Kyle Duffie ’06: Spence Farm Grant Writing

Kyle Duffie worked with the Spence Farm Foundation whose mission is to historically preserve the oldest farm in Livingston County as well as to provide education and awareness of environmentally sound farming practices. Kyle helped write a grant to the Illinois Humanities Council for a video project that provides education on the heritage, history, trades, Read more about Kyle Duffie ’06: Spence Farm Grant Writing[…]

Jake Muehlbaur and DesaRae Myers: Fall Project ’04

Jake Muehlbaur and DesaRae Myers’ goal for the fall semester of ’04 was to analyze the data for all four-year-old students at Heartland Head Start.  They completed a significant amount of analysis by locating and analyzing the relevant data, and also determining the best way to organize the data. Their primary goal was to set Read more about Jake Muehlbaur and DesaRae Myers: Fall Project ’04[…]

Alternative Break Information

Alternative Fall Break: Chicago Thursday, October 9th (departing campus at 4:00pm) through Saturday, October 11th, 2014 Interested in the religious and cultural diversity of Chicago?  Want to learn more about interfaith engagement and service?  We will be spending two nights and two days in Chicago visiting Christian, Jewish, Baha’i and Muslim faith communities, and learning Read more about Alternative Break Information[…]

Dylan Overstreet: CPP Program ’14

State Farm Projects:  At State Farm I have worked on a variety of different projects this summer. I developed a Business Continuity Outbound Dialer for our department.  The dialer is the first communication after an event that causes a business interruption.  Other projects I have assisted with are; Enterprise Catastrophe Volunteer Project, CCG Hiring Process, and Read more about Dylan Overstreet: CPP Program ’14[…]

Khurram Ghayur: CPP Program ’14

State Farm Projects: I completed a diverse group of work including project/ strategic initiatives, employee development, and operational work in the financial shared services sector of the financial operations department. Regarding project/ strategic initiative, I performed reconciliation between the master list of agreement activities and the finance activities agreement from department leadership for the sale Read more about Khurram Ghayur: CPP Program ’14[…]

Mehgan Keeley: CPP Program ’14

State Farm Projects: My 3 main projects in PCA were to review customer-facing communications materials for Drive Safe & Save, to create an electronic database for DSS customers, and work on a group research project presentation regarding retaining frequent shopper business. In my communications reviews, I read webpages, agent brochures, quick start guides, email templates Read more about Mehgan Keeley: CPP Program ’14[…]

Sarah Bergman: CPP Program ’14

State Farm Projects: At State Farm, I worked on a variety of projects that allowed me to see different aspects of the department.  I edited and offered feedback on compensation learning paths that HR representatives complete as part of their training.  I also learned about pay policy and wrote a summary analyzing the potential impacts Read more about Sarah Bergman: CPP Program ’14[…]

John Pisani: CPP Program ’14

State Farm Projects: This summer, two other interns designated to the procurement department and I had one main project assigned to us. Our task was to research how exactly we can measure the value of the Purchasing Department. When I was not working on this project, I was working on Vendor Financial Reviews. This means Read more about John Pisani: CPP Program ’14[…]

Jenny Prochotsky: CPP Program ’14

State Farm Projects: My main project for the Enterprise Philanthropy team this summer was a proposal to the Marketing Department of State Farm to expand the Town Hall programs due to their great success. I also created a departmental timeline from 2009-2014 with key dates that impacted the department. Some of the smaller projects I part Read more about Jenny Prochotsky: CPP Program ’14[…]

Nicole Jovicevic: CPP Program ’14

State Farm Projects: During my time at State Farm, I did not have one particular project I worked on. The experience I gained included helping with side projects like database transfers, the creation of an acronym database for an executive summary, assisting with on-site research, and mastering my Powerpoint animations skills through restructuring a particularly Read more about Nicole Jovicevic: CPP Program ’14[…]

Brittany Brady: CPP Program ’14

State Farm Projects: My work at State Farm revolved largely around supporting and promoting the newly introduced State Farm program for individuals perusing an agency career. This new design, the Agent Aspirant Program, is a path for individuals to train to become State Farm agents after working under the guidance of a current agent. To Read more about Brittany Brady: CPP Program ’14[…]

Gavin Schroeder: CPP Program ’14

State Farm Projects: At State Farm I helped develop tactics and write the 2015 strategy for home finance, customer awareness and agent engagement.  I used analytics and research to make recommendations for improving State Farm Bank’s webpages. I also helped connect State Farm with Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity Projects: I called ReStore managers Read more about Gavin Schroeder: CPP Program ’14[…]

Christine Peterson: CPP Program ’14

State Farm Projects: Social Recruiting Research Paper: Researched different social recruiting methods used by various companies, compared those with State Farm social recruiting, and created a series of recommendations for EREC as to which steps should be taken next. Language Testing Table Revisions: Addressed missing task analyses, incorrect job codes, incorrect job titles, and unclear Read more about Christine Peterson: CPP Program ’14[…]

Veronica Watson: NeighborWorks Week Block Party

IWU student Veronica Watson partnered with Mid Central Community Action and The West Bloomington Revitalization Project to request $500 to hold a block party for the West Bloomington residents. This will serve as a conclusion to NeighborWorks Week programming and a celebration of the beginning of summer. Materials from the Tool Library will be used Read more about Veronica Watson: NeighborWorks Week Block Party[…]

Nicole Pierce: Bookmarks – Books for Kids in Need

  Wesleyan Student Nicole Pierce wrote a grant for First Book-McLean County, a community partner that has provided book grants to local tutoring, mentoring and literacy programs in McLean County for 13 years. She helped them to request bookmarks for the books each child receives. The organizations goal is to provide each child in need Read more about Nicole Pierce: Bookmarks – Books for Kids in Need[…]