“The Place to Ask for Help”: New Video Tour of The Ames Library

With our ongoing review of library spaces, and innovation in library services and campus services available through the library, 2019 was a perfect time to update and enhance our video introduction to The Ames Library. Library staff collaborated with Curtis Kelch, Director of Web Services and IWU students; Justin Piotrowski ’21, Rachel McCarthy ’21, and Will Mueller ’19 to produce this new introduction to the library.

Student Seeking Research Help
Click here to watch the orientation video.

Whether you (or your students) want to know about the range of materials you can borrow from the library, the ways librarians can help you to answer the most complex research questions or integrate information and digital literacy skills into your assignments, or the unique spaces and resources available in our circulating and special collections, this video will give you a place to start. And, if you would like to learn more about how to make videos like this one for your own classes, you can also find out more about IT resources in the library, including the One-Button Studio. Whether you are new to campus or simply new to our expanding array of spaces and services, we hope you will enjoy (and share) our new orientation video!

If you would like to learn more about library services or to further explore library spaces, please visit the Ames Library web site or contact your liaison librarian.

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