#TBT – Student Scholarship

Ever wonder about the point of Gateway and writing intensive courses? Not sure how struggling to write at a collegiate level will pay off?

Well, The Ames Library is here to tell you that exemplary student works are highlighted in campus’s Digital Commons. This is an institutional repository where we collect scholarly works of faculty and students, as well as keep publications and meeting notes of campus organizations and meetings. The Digital Commons is a great place to learn about what your fellow students are doing in upper-level research classes, for the John Wesley Powell Student Research Conference, and how they’re being published before they graduate.

Yes, you too can contribute to completely undergraduate, peer-reviewed journals.

True story – one student published a senior paper in Digital Commons and graduated, not thinking any more about it. Since those papers can be discovered through Google, a book publisher found that paper and was able to make contact with the student for her paper to be published as a chapter in their forthcoming book! Cool, right?

UERThere’s a new “Paper of the Day” every day, so check the site daily to see what’s new, what’s old, what’s trending, and what’s useful.

Today’s paper was written by Cody Bryant in 2013 – “Impact of the Bakken Oil Boom on Employment and Wages in North Dakota.” Here’s the paper’s abstract:  A difference-in-difference methodology is used to examine the impact of the 2008 oil boom on employment and wages in North Dakota. Finding show an 8.68 percent increase in employment and 4.85 percent increase in wages in counties producing Bakken oil relative to the rest of North Dakota. In addition, a modified Difference- in-Difference is used to examine the rate of growth in employment and wages. Results show a 0.271 percent increase in quarterly job growth in Bakken oil producing counties relative to the rest of North Dakota. No significant impact is observed in the growth of wages.

Want to read the whole paper? Visit Digital Commons!

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