Gateway Essay Award Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the 2012-13 Best Gateway Essay contest!

Hands Writing in Class by bgblogging (CC BY-NC-SA)

First: Christine Peterson, “Lost in Translation,” Instructor: Tina Isabelli
Runner-up: Lydia Rudd, “Down a Dusty Haitian Road,” Instructor: Kathy Zurkowski
Runner-up: Valerie Mack, “Reputation and Social Perfection: The Social Creation of Mr. Hyde.” Instructor: Adam Woodis

These students will have their achievements cited in the upcoming Honors Convocation program. They have also agreed to have their essays submitted to IWU’s Digital Commons, where they will be available to the IWU community.  Submissions, which were first nominated by Gateway faculty, were vetted by Writing Center tutors. The Writing Committee made the final decisions from a list of finalists.

Image credit: Hands Writing in Class by bgblogging (CC BY-NC-SA)



Open Access Week Events

open access logoThe library is sponsoring three events to celebrate Open Access Week:

Open Access Exhibit – Definitions & Debates
All week, Circulation Desk
Thanks to Sciences Library Crystal Boyce for creating this exhibit!

Open Access, Social Justice and Information Literacy
Monday, October 21, 12:10 pm – 1 pm
Davidson Room

Please join Stephanie Davis-Kahl and Chris Sweet from the Ames Library for a presentation about the connections between open access, information literacy and social justice, and how these play out in the classroom, on campus, statewide and nationally.


Open Forum with Nick Shockey, Director of the Right to Research Coalition
Thursday, October 24, 4 pm
State Farm Hall Case Study Room

Nick Shockey is the Director of the Right to Research Coalition, an international network of undergraduate and graduate students working towards open access to research. Nick is a graduate of Trinity University in Texas, where he helped pass an open access policy for faculty. He is an experienced speaker on issues related to Open Access, including author rights and taxpayer access, and has been active in working with his SPARC colleagues in Washington, D.C. to advocate with House and Senate representatives for legislation and policy at the national level. Please join us for discussion and debate!

To learn more about Open Access, please watch this video from Ph.D. Comics, or read about it here or here.  We’ll be adding more information about how IWU promotes Open Access in the coming days!

Finding Government Information During the Shutdown


The government shutdown has cut off access to many key resources provided by federal agencies.  Mashable has a summary and links to where    some government data can be found, and EBSCO has provided access to the ERIC database for free.

The Statistical Abstract of the United States is available in print from 1966-2008 (2nd floor, call number HA202.A2), and electronically via  ProQuest from 2009 – present.  ICPSR is also a great place for data and statistics from government agencies.


If you have any questions about finding government information, please contact the Help@Ames Desk!

(image by Nick Papakyriazis, CC BY-NC-SA)


I-Share Voyager offline October 2, 2013, midnight-6am

The CARLI Voyager system, I-Share, will be taken offline for all libraries from midnight until 6am Wednesday, October 2, to apply an emergency fix to a database index. During the outage VuFind will be available for searching the local and union catalogs, but VuFind will not be able to display item status information, nor will it support access to patron account records or the placing of requests.

During the outage Voyager staff client access will be limited to the Offline Backup function of the circulation client only. CARLI’s batch jobs that run circulation notices and the Voyager request promotion service will not run tonight; those data will be picked up in the batch run the following night. Other services such as SFX and discovery services that query Voyager will also be affected by this outage.

While we have successfully applied the fix on our test server, there is a slight risk that our work tonight may fail to resolve the problem. If that is the case, downtime may extend into the day on Wednesday.

We will continue to keep everyone updated.

Banned Books Week @ The Ames Library

banned books

Read them if you dare! Banned Books Week is being marked at the library by an intriguing assortment of banned books that are hidden from view with covers that highlight why they have been     challenged.  Check these out on the cart across from the Circulation Desk. Just around the corner are 20 campus celebrities, each hugging their favorite banned book.

And join us on October 2 for a talk by Barbara Jones, “Censorship for Religious Reasons: From the Bible to Harry Potter.” Barbara is the Executive Director of the American Library Association’s     Office of Intellectual Freedom. Enjoy 2 short plays from forbidden works as well directed by IWU theatre students Hannah Dhue and Aaron Weinstein –  4:00 p.m. in the Evelyn Chapel

Welcome & Welcome Back!

It’s been another busy summer here at The Ames Library, and we’re thrilled to welcome new and transfer students to campus!  We also want to extend a warm welcome back to returning students, many of whom have been doing amazing work on campus or completing internships, and to our faculty, who have also been busy with research and course preparation.  Wherever you’ve been this summer, we’re happy to see you back at IWU.

You may notice some changes in the building this fall – thanks to our great Physical Plant staff and our dedicated custodians, Justin and Nora, we’ve added some extra areas for studying, reading and working together.  Here are the highlights:

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On the first floor, we’ve consolidated print journals and added more tables for collaboration.  We’ve also reconfigured two former offices into new project rooms, which means we now have six project rooms for students to reserve through Help@Ames.







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On the second floor, we’ve removed 10 rows of shelving and added study tables and a whiteboard on one side of the space.







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On the other side, outside of Room 214, we’ve added some extra comfy seating.







We hope you enjoy the building as much as we do.  Keep coming back to our blog throughout the year for more news about resources, events and more.

New Wireless in Ames!



ITS has completed the installation of new wireless service in The Ames Library! To reconfigure your devices to connect to the new wireless setup, please follow these steps:

1.) Open up your network connections and select the “IllinoisWesleyan” SSID.

2.) Enter your NetID and password

3.) If your are asked to okay the validity of a Certificate click OK, Accept or Continue

4.) If you do not get connected, you may need to sync your password. You do not need change your password (unless you need to make your password stronger).

If you have problems connecting, please contact Help@Ames at (309)556-3900.

For more information and updates on the new wireless service on campus, see the ITS Website or the ITS blog.

“wireless” (CC0), designed by Lea Verou, from The Noun Project.

John Wesley Powell Collection of Pueblo Pottery Featured Image

An image of an Olla jar from the John Wesley Powell Collection of Pueblo Pottery has been selected as the featured image of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries of Illinois (CARLI) news page.  Mary Rose, member of the Digital Collections User Group committee of CARLI, noted that “The high-quality images and informative descriptions combine to render this collection of unique content wonderfully accessible and eminently useful.”  The digital collection was created by Meg Miner, University Archivist and Special Collections Librarian, and is considered a flagship digital collection at IWU.

To view the pottery featured in the digital collection, please visit The Ames Library, open Monday-Friday, 8 am – 4 pm during the summer.

Ames Catalog & I-Share Scheduled Maintenance

Screen Shot 2013-06-13 at 9.20.00 AM

The Ames Library Catalog and I-Share will be down for scheduled maintenance from Friday, June 21 – Sunday, June 23.

Summer Hours


The Ames Library will be open Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm during the summer months.

If you need research or technology assistance over the summer, please call Help@Ames at x3900.

Wishing everyone a relaxing and productive summer!

Photo: “Hello, Summer” (by Cooky Koon, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)