Más noticias sobre inmigrantes

La semana pasada el Centro de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Constitucional escribió una carta anunciando la liberación de todos los niños de los centros de detención en la frontera. Se puede leer aquí:

Yesterday we won a federal court Order requiring the release of immigrant children detained by the Trump administration despite the spread of COVID-19 in family detention centers.

A copy of the Court Order issued by Federal District Judge Dolly Gee is available for download at this link.

Citing the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, Judge Gee on Friday ordered the release of all migrant children held in the country’s three family detention centers to relatives living in the U.S. to whom detained parents want their children released.

The order requires the release of all children with designated sponsors by July 17 came after it was reported that some of the detained families had tested positive for the COVID-19.

In March when we filed an emergency motion for the release of children there were about 650 children in family detention centers. On March 28 Judge Gee ordered the prompt release of these children. In April the number was reduced to about 340. In May number dropped to about 185. At the time of yesterday’s court hearing, about 124 minors remained in family detention centers.In March about 3,600 unaccompanied minors were detained by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). By June the number had dropped to about 1,077 minor still in ORR custody. The judge has also ordered that the unaccompanied minors be promptly released to available sponsors.

In her order issued yesterday, Judge Gee criticized the Trump administration for its “spotty” compliance with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to prevent the virus from spreading in congregate detention facilities. CDC recommends various steps including social distancing, the wearing of masks, and early medical intervention for those with virus symptoms.

“The family residential centers are on fire and there is no more time for half measures,” Judge Gee wrote.

In response to inquiries, Peter Schey, President of the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, and co-lead counsel for detained minors along with CHRCL’s General Counsel Carlos Holguin, issued the following statement:

“We are grateful that the federal court has again stepped into this crisis and ordered the release of all minors to relatives in the U.S. in the next three weeks as long as the parent detained with the child wants their child released. Some detained parents facing deportation brought their children to this country to save them from rampant violence in their home countries and would prefer to see their child released to relatives here rather than being deported with the parent to countries where children are routinely kidnapped, beaten, and killed. As ordered by the Court, we will continue to meet with the Government to finalize procedures ICE will have to follow to assess parents wishes regarding release of their children, and step-by-step procedures ICE will be required to follow to ensure that children are promptly released to their relatives whenever that is what a parent wishes.”

Inquiries may be addressed to class counsel for all detained minors:
For minors detained by Border Patrol and ICE pschey@centerforhumanriughts.org
For minors detained by ORR crholguin@centerforhumanrights.org

Center for Human Rights Facebook

La corte suprema dedice mantener el programa de DACA

La semana pasada la corte suprema decidió bloquear la iniciativa de la casa blanca de suspender el programa de DACA (Acción diferida de los llegados en la infancia). Esto significa que de momento los beneficiarios de DACA, cientos de miles de inmigrantes, pueden quedarse en Estados Unidos y seguir estudiando y trabajando.
Para más información sobre esta decisión y el estado de IL, lee esta página y para más información del trabajo de la agencia Immigration Project de Bloomington, ésta.

Una comida fin de año virtual

A pesar de las distancias producidas por el Covid-19, los estudiantes con especialidad en Hispanic Studies se reunieron hoy con varias profesoras y nuestra querida administradora, Suzie Smeeton, para celebrar su próxima graduación de Illinois Wesleyan. Compartimos platos como tortilla española, caldo gallego y una empanada gallega. También compartimos historias de estos cuatro años juntos y cada estudiante habló de sus futuros planes.

Aquí en la orla se ven todos los graduados de la clase 2020.

Vi Kakares (abajo) y Esther Niedert van a empezar trabajos en Access2Insight, una agencia de marketing digital, en Chicago.

Kyle Fahsl, que estudió español y japonés en IWU, quiere explorar trabajos en el servicio diplomático.

Sam Berghoff piensa trabajar en el campo de enseñanza, o en España con un programa del ministerio de cultura, o con el cuerpo de paz, o en su ciudad nativa Chicago con “Teach for America”.

Acabamos con una linda interpretación de “De colores” de la profa. Dixon-Montgomery.

¡Felicidades nuestros queridos estudiantes! Esperamos que nos veamos todos en agosto para la ceremonia. Un fuerte abrazo virtual a cada uno de vosotros.

Noticias de Madrid durante la cuarantena

Este año Kaitlyn O’Brien (’19) está trabajando en Madrid con el programa del ministerio de educación, “North American Language and Culture Assistants.” Nos cuenta que la ciudad está como nunca pero sí ella se mantiene sana durante esta cuarentena. Nos manda aquí unas fotos de un centro vacío: la parada de metro, Sevilla y la puerta de Sol.

También ha compartido un video de los vecinos cantando en los balcones.