“Supporting Teaching with Primary Sources at Illinois Wesleyan University”

Last fall, our Archivist & Special Collections Librarian Meg Miner participated in a multi-institution project sponsored by Ithaka S+R to explore “pedagogical practices of humanities and social sciences instructors teaching with primary sources at the undergraduate level. The goal of the study is to understand instructors’ undergraduate teaching processes toward developing resources and services to support them in
their work.” (Ithaka S+R) IWU joined with colleagues from 25 academic institutions, two of which are located in the United Kingdom, for this work. Two other participants in this project also offer
undergraduate-only liberal arts programs.

Her report, “Supporting Teaching with Primary Sources at Illinois Wesleyan University” is now available online, and presents the results of her interviews with our faculty. Congratulations to Meg on this accomplishment, our gratitude to the faculty who participated, and many thanks to Ithaka S&R for including the liberal arts perspective in their research!


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