Molly Bisulca, Olivia Campbell, Lauren James Seminar’09

Binder #: 15
Major: Environmental Studies
Passion: Enviromental Sustainability
Organization: Downtown Bloomington Association, Small Business Recycling Group

Project Title: Small Business Recycling Project

Project Summary: Our mission as members of the Small Business Recycling Group was to update the recycling program for small businesses in Downtown Bloomington. Allied Waste offered us the option of six to eight bins to be placed at prime recycling locations. We conducted surveys and gathered information from small business owners and communty members downtown in order to determine interest and overall opinion of neccessity for a recycling program; we also determinded which businesses would be willing to pay for a recycling program and how much they would be willing to pay. We aimed to garner enough support from downtown business owners to get the DBA to take this project on. In the end, we found that many downtown businesses were itnerested in the program; as such, the DBA will continue to solicit businesses for participation in order to achieve the monthly payment of $400.