Binder #: 14
Major: Sociology
Passion: Enviromental Sustainability, Food Justice
Organization: Westside Development Task Force
Project Summary: I interned in Human Resources Enterprise Recruiting and Retention at State Farm. The goal of my team was to create tools that allow for zones to effectively recruit talent. Along with that, we also created tools and programs tot retain employees. Over my time at State Farm, I created a template to update the State Farm website, I helped coordinate a career fair for Howard University interns, I provided feedback to a training system tht resulted in a short term tool to satisfy the business need, and created and presented a proposal that is going to affect State Farm enterprise-wide. I was also partnered with the Westside Development Task Force. Our mission is to revitalize the West Bloomingotn area in numerous aspects including beautification, housing, economics, safety, and youth services. THe main project I was involved in is the Community Garden. I helped create a flyer that would go out to the residents of West Bloomington to gain interest in short and long term participation with this project. I also created a PowerPoint that sums up what the project is about, ways it can potentially affect the community, things to be catious of, and ways of leveraging the project into something that can help the neighborhoods in many ways. I have also met with numerous people form the City of Bloomington to get the garden started.