Registration opens for Updike conference in Serbia

Registration is now open for the 5th Biennial John Updike Society Conference, June 1-5 2018, hosted by the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology. The conference celebrates the 50th anniversary of Couples and Updike abroad and in translation. All are welcome to participate. Society members include not just professors, but teachers, members of the clergy, college presidents, writers, editors, librarians, lawyers, entrepreneurs, Updike family and friends, and the just plain lovers of books that Updike so appreciated. Below is a PDF featuring the registration form and all the information you need regarding the preliminary schedule, featured speakers, call for papers, things to do, and lodging (Important: you MUST book a room by March 1, 2018). See you in Serbia!

Added 23 August 2017:  Information on Schiff Travel Grants for scholars needing financial assistance to be able to participate.

Updike in Serbia registration

On writers and reflections on birds

In a review-article of As Kingfishers Catch Fire: Books and Birds by Alex Preston and Neal Gower that was recently published in the Financial Times (subscription required), John Updike merits a mention:

“The book is in 21 short sections, each based on a single species and the varying inspirations it has brought for previous authors, Ted Hughes, Mary Oliver and Kathleen Jamie to the fore, and, through them, for Preston himself. The style seems fey at first and the self-referencing somewhat clumsy, but the form is potent.

“Each section, from Peregrine to Peacock, Robin to Wren, is illustrated by the artist, Neil Gower. These pictures, most intensely of Swift (above right) and Waxwing, are alone worth the price of a book beautifully presented in matt orange cloth. A blue sky full of gulls introduces a poem by John Updike where the birds ‘stand around in the dimpled sand like those melancholy European crowds that gather in cobbled public squares in the wake of assassinations and invasions, heads cocked to hear the latest radio reports.’ After the terrorist strike on London Bridge, we who were working nearby saw countless such gulls on the sands of the Thames and Preston, through Updike, reminds us that we did.

“Birds, more than mammals or fish, are the great reminders in literary history. An individual sight or song of a bird means most by bringing back the last time of seeing or hearing. Gulls gain added force for poets because they were for centuries the sole companions of sailors, the only life for men to observe in so much air and their only sharer of it.

“Those white clouds over trash pits today were once almost humans. Preston notes Updike’s glowing seaside conclusion in which ‘plump young couples . . . walk capricious paths through the scattering gulls, as in some mythologies beautiful gods stroll unconcerned among our mortal apprehensions.'”

Of COURSE Updike makes a list of books about adultery

Only 247 people voted for “The Best Books About Adultery” thus far, but those folks don’t seem to be familiar with John Updike’s Rabbit novels, none of which made the top 100. That includes two Pulitzer Prize winners—Rabbit Is Rich, in which Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom engages in wife-swapping (but is maneuvered into getting a different woman from the one he was lusting after), and Rabbit at Rest, in which he famously has sex with his daughter-in-law.

But Updike’s 1968 novel Couples made the list, clocking in at #8, no doubt helped by the notoriety the book initially generated when it put Updike on the cover of Time magazine as the spokesperson for the “post-pill society.”

Topping the list? Tama Janowitz’s Peyton Amberg, followed by The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne), Jude the Obscure (Thomas Hardy), Madame Bovary (Gustave Flaubert), Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy), A Child’s Book of True Crime (Chloe Hooper), and The Quickie (James Patterson). Rounding out the Top 10 are The Little Women (Katharine Weber) and Lying (Wendy Perriam).

Here’s the full Ranker list, where you too can vote a book up or down.

PureWow recommends 50 funny books

Updike lovers might be hard pressed to cite their favorite “funny” Updike book.

Is it A Month of Sundays, with its comedic premise of a clergyman sent to a curative retreat for wayward ministers because he was getting a little too intimate with his flock . . . and then can’t help himself from trying to seduce his overseer through journal entries he knows she’s reading? Or S., another book in Updike’s Scarlet Letter trilogy in which he pokes fun of the notion of suburban housewives needing to “find” themselves in a commune, only to discover another form of male dominated servitude?

Is it The Coup, with its hilarious satire of a Third World dictator and American consumerism?

Is it one of the sardonic, tongue-in-cheek books on Updike’s Jewish alter ego, Henry Bech (Bech: A Book, Bech Is Back, Bech at Bay)?

PureWow went with The Witches of Eastwick.

In a list-story on “The 50 Funniest Books We’ve Ever Read,”  they picked Updike’s tale of female vs. male power as their #6 funniest book: “The movie version is fabulous, but Updike’s original source material about three spurned women is even more satirical and wonderful.”

The bottom line is that there are a number of funny Updike books to choose from—enough for him to be considered not just one of America’s great writers, but one of America’s great comic writers as well.


Literary Takes on the Visual Arts? Look to Updike, et alia

Writing for Signature: Making well-read sense of the world, Tobias Carroll comes up with a list of “Literary Takes on the Visual: 10 Novelists on Fine Art.” 

Of Updike, he writes:

“When John Updike’s name is mentioned, most readers initially think of him as a novelist, and it’s certainly through fiction that he established his reputation as a writer. But Updike also wrote an abundance of art criticism: the posthumous Always Looking is his third such collection of work, following 1989’s Just Looking and 2005’s Still Looking. Delving into this side of Updike’s writing shows an entirely different side to him than you might experience if you’re only familiar with his fiction.”

Below are Amazon links to the three Updike volumes on art, with the posthumously published third volume edited by Christopher Carduff:

Just Looking: Essays on Art (2000)

Still Looking: Essays on American Art (2005)

Always Looking: Essays on Art (2012)

Your own Golf Dreams should include a course in Essex, Mass.

Pamela Tomlin recently posted a travel article on “14 Places to Explore on Massachusetts’ North Shore,” and included was Cape Ann Golf Course in Essex:

“Looking to tee it up? Here is a North Shore hidden gem of a small golf course. The family-run public, nine-hole course has been open since 1913, and golfers agree the sweeping views of the Essex River and Marsh make any bad game good. The number four hole is their signature that famed author John Updike enjoyed frequently playing. Learn more here. Updike, of course, wrote a book about his love of the game (Golf Dreams: Writings on Golf, 1996).

Though Updike wasn’t mentioned by name, other entries also apply. Those who attended the Second Biennial John Updike Society Conference in Boston and enjoyed a group dinner at Woodman’s of Essex know that Updike loved the fried clams there. He also enjoyed getting some sun at Crane Beach in Ipswich.

All-TIME Best Non-Fiction Book list includes Updike

Book Advice just released a list of All-TIME Best Non-Fiction Books, and with 1142 of them listed you’d expect that just about every major author would be included. They’re rated, and the Top 10 feature some pretty heavy hitters:

  1. Essays by Michel de Montaigne
  2. Confessions by Augustine
  3. The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
  4. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
  5. On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
  6. Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  7. Pensées by Blaise Pascal
  8. The Republic by Plato
  9. The Complete Works of Plato by Plato
  10. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

Among fiction writers, Virginia Woolf (A Room of One’s Own, 1929) placed the highest at #31, followed by Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood (1966, #42). Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast clocked in at #64, but you’d have to add a digit to that to get to Updike’s entry:  Self-Consciousness (1989), at #638.


Updike included in Henry Green tribute

In a tribute to British author Henry Green (1905-73) titled “A reintroduction to the poet of modern fiction,” Danny Heitman begins with an observation and a quote from John Updike:

“Green’s books haven’t remained reliably in print, evidence of his limited popular appeal. But those who like Green’s novels really like them, and his following, though small, has been distinguished. John Updike, not prone to jacket-blurb hyperbole, celebrated Green’s novels with almost religious zeal.

“‘For Green, to me, is so good a writer, such a revealer of what English prose fiction can do . . . that I can launch myself upon this piece of homage and introduction only by falling into some sort of imitation of that liberatingly ingenuous voice, that voice so full of other voices, its own interpolations amid the matchless dialogue twisted and tremulous with a precision that kept the softness of groping, of sensation, of living.”

Amazon link to Loving

Alt-Media cites Updike’s The Coup

An “Alternative Media” site recently ran an opinion piece masquerading as news (“The Coming White Flight in Europe”) that quotes a big chunk of John Updike’s satirical 1978 novel, The Coup.

“Since the future of the world will be heavily influenced by the huge number of Sahelians headed our way, here’s the opening of John Updike’s 1978 novel The Coup, in which he describes a fictionalized Sahelian country much like Niger. Keep in mind, however, that the population of Niger in 1978 was 5.7 million. Today it is 21.5 million. In another 39 years, the span of time since Updike’s novel, it is expected to grow to 81.4 million. The Coup begins with the Col. Gadaffi-like Col. Ellellou writing his memoirs in a Nabokovian-Updikean prose style:

“‘My country of Kush, landlocked between the mongrelized, neo-capitalist puppet states of Zanj and Sahel, is small for Africa, though larger than any two nations of Europe. Its northern half is Saharan; in the south, forming the one boundary not drawn by a Frenchman’s ruler, a single river flows, the Grionde, making possible a meagre settled agriculture. Peanuts constitute the principal export crop: the doughty legumes are shelled by the ton and crushed by village women in immemorial mortars or else by antiquated presses manufactured in Lyons; then the barrelled oil is caravanned by camelback and treacherous truck to Dakar, where it is shipped to Marseilles to become the basis of heavily perfumed and erotically contoured soaps designed not for my naturally fragrant and affectionate countrymen but for the antiseptic lavatories of America — America, that fountainhead of obscenity and glut. Our peanut oil travels westward the same distance as eastward our ancestors plodded, their neck-shackles chafing down to the jugular, in the care of Arab traders, to find from the flesh-markets of Zanzibar eventual lodging in the harems and palace guards of Persia and Chinese Turkestan. Thus Kush spreads its transparent wings across the world. The ocean of desert between the northern border and the Mediterranean littoral once knew a trickling traffic in salt for gold, weight for weight; now this void is disturbed only by Swedish playboys fleeing cold boredom in Volvos that soon forfeit their seven coats of paint to the rasp of sand and the roar of their engines to the omnivorous howl of the harmattan. They are skeletons before their batteries die. Would that Allah had so disposed of all infidel intruders!’

“‘To the south, beyond the Grionde, there is forest, nakedness, animals, fever, chaos. It bears no looking into. Whenever a Kushite ventures into this region, he is stricken with mal à l’estomac.’

“‘Kush is a land of delicate, delectable emptiness, …’

“‘In area Kush measures 126,912,180 hectares. The population density comes to .03 per hectare. In the vast north it is virtually immeasurable. The distant glimpsed figure blends with the land as the blue hawk blends with the sky. There are twenty-two miles of railroad and one hundred seven of paved highway. Our national airline, Air Kush, consists of two Boeing 727′s, stunning as they glitter above the also glittering tin shacks by the airfield. … The natives extract ingenious benefits from the baobab tree, weaving mats from its fibrous heart, ropes from its inner bark, brewing porridge and glue and a diaphoretic for dysentery from the pulp of its fruit, turning the elongated shells into water scoops, sucking the acidic and refreshing seeds, and even boiling the leaves, in desperate times, into a kind of spinach. When are times not desperate? Goats eat the little baobab trees, so there are only old giants. The herds of livestock maintained by the tribes of pastoral nomads have been dreadfully depleted by the drought. The last elephant north of the Grionde gave up its life and its ivory in 1959, with a bellow that still reverberates. “The toubabs took the big ears with them,” is the popular saying. Both Sahel and Zanj possess quantities of bauxite, manganese, and other exploitable minerals, but aside from a streak of sulphur high in the Bulub Mountains the only known mineral deposit in Kush is the laterite that renders great tracts of earth unarable, (I am copying these facts from an old Statesman’s Year-Book, freely, here where I sit in sight of the sea, so some of them may be obsolete.) In the north there were once cities of salt populated by slaves, who bred and worshipped and died amid the incessant cruel glisten; these mining settlements, supervised by the blue-clad Tuareg, are mere memories now.’

“‘But even memory thins in this land, which suggests, on the map, an angular skull whose cranium is the empty desert. Along the lower irregular line of the jaw, carved by the wandering brown river, there was a king, the Lord of Wanjiji, whose physical body was a facet of God so radiant that a curtain of gold flakes protected the eyes of those entertained in audience from his glory; and this king, restored to the throne as a constitutional monarch in the wake of the loi-cadre of 1956 and compelled to abdicate after the revolution of 1968, has been all but forgotten. Conquerors and governments pass before the people as dim rumors, as entertainment in a hospital ward. Truly, mercy is interwoven with misery in the world wherever we glance.’

“‘Among the natural resources of Kush perhaps should be listed our diseases-an ample treasury which includes, besides famine and its edema and kwashiorkor, malaria, typhus, yellow fever, sleeping sickness, leprosy, bilharziasis, onchocerciasis, measles, and yaws. As these are combatted by the genius of science, human life itself becomes a disease of the overworked, eroded earth. The average life expectancy in Kush is thirty-seven years, the per capita gross national product $79, the literacy rate 6%.’

“‘The official currency is the lu. The flag is a plain green field. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy with the constitution suspended and the monarch deposed. An eleven-man Supreme Counseil Revolutionnaire et Militaire pour l’Emergence serves as the executive arm of the government and also functions as its legislature. The pure and final socialism envisioned by Marx, the theocratic populism of Islam’s periodic reform movements: these transcendent models guide the council in all decisions. SCRME’S chairman, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defense, and President of Kush was (is, the Statesman’s Year-Book has it) Colonel Hakim Felix Ellellou–that is to say, myself.'”