The Little Cookie


Author: Margaret Hillert

Illustrator: Donald Charles

Publishing Information: Modern Curriculum Press, 1981

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Folktale



The Little Cookie is a classic tale of an elderly woman who bakes a cookie that comes to life as she finishes making him. Once he realizes he is alive and active, he runs off across the land meeting a variety of new animals and taking in all the scenery he could not have otherwise seen if he was confined to the kitchen. His adventure comes to an end after he accepts a ride across the stream from a sneaky fox, leaving readers to conclude for themselves what happens next.

            The story only uses a total of forty eight basic words, which are counted and listed in a guide at the end of the book, which evidences that it is a story meant for beginning readers to enjoy. Furthermore, the text is rather repetitive as the cookie goes along his different adventures, making it an easy and fun read for younger children.

The illustrations are done in brighter colored paint, reflecting the lighthearted and fun tone of the story as the cookie goes about his adventure out of the kitchen. He is typically featured on the right-hand side of the page, which interested me because he had seemed so free and excited throughout the story. This leads me to believe that perhaps he is not as secure as one may believe him to be, since he is unfamiliar in the outside world. It is not until the very end (when the fox is giving him a ride across the stream) that the cookie is featured on the left-hand side of the page, although they are moving to the right. This could show that although the cookie thinks he is secure, he is headed toward danger as the fox has other plans for him. There are some instances in which the text does not even inform the reader of who is doing the speaking, which leads me to conclude that the story is mostly a picture book narrative where the pictures could tell the story with little to no help from the text.

Although there is certainly the ideology of the dangers of wandering away from one’s caretaker demonstrated in the story, I feel as though this is mostly a fun book to engage beginning readers.

Young Cam Jansen & the Dinosaur Game

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Author: David A. Adler

Illustrator: Susanna Natti

Publishing Information: Scholastic, 1996

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Mystery


The story of Young Cam Jansen and the Dinosaur Game follows Cam and her friend David as they attend a birthday party that features a guessing game. When one of the partygoers guesses the exact number of little toy dinosaurs in the glass jar, Cam is suspicious that there was cheating involved and decides to use her detective skills to investigate. She comes to find that the boy who won the game placed a second bet after the number had already been revealed, and the mystery is solved.

The illustrations are done in fairly basic colors (blue, red, yellow, green) and are featured in rectangular frames. This gives readers a more limited glimpse at the scenarios unfolding, which is similar to that of the limited information Cam begins her investigation with. Furthermore, the rectangular frames indicated less security than that of round frames, which is fitting for the plot as there is a mystery that has presented itself and has not yet been solved. These illustrations are additive to the text, as some reveal more information and visuals that the text could not have provided alone. For example, one of the illustrations features the slip of paper that had the exact number of dinosaurs on it where one can see smudges of chocolate on the paper. This is important because the guessing game required the children at the party to place their guess before cake was served, and clearly this guess was made afterwards.

This story is broken down into five short chapters, which introduces younger readers to the breakdown of traditional chapter books. Furthermore, the story teaches children a way to engage in more critical thinking as they follow along with Cam’s thought processes as she is solving the mystery. At the end of the story, the person who had the next closest guess is awarded the jar of dinosaurs and opts to share them with everyone else at the party, including the boy who cheated to win the game. This teaches children the value of sharing, as well as not holding a grudge against someone who did not act fairly toward others.

Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Spectacles


Author: Jane O’Connor

Illustrator: Robin Preiss Glasser and Ted Enik

Publishing Information: Harper Collins, 2010

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Realistic Fiction


This book introduces readers to Fancy Nancy, and the changes that occur when Nancy’s friend is told that she must wear glasses from now on. At first her friend is less than thrilled, but comes to like her glasses when people react positively to seeing her wear them. The only trouble arises when Nancy becomes a bit jealous and wants a pair of glamorous glasses of her own as well.

The narrative includes a variety of adjectives, such as “spectacular,” “spectacles,” and “glamorous” that may be new for early readers who are more accustomed to general descriptions of things in a story. However, there is a guide in the back of the book that lists each new word, and a definition that can break it down in a way that is easier for children to understand. By doing this, the book teaches children new words in a fun and effective way to enhance their vocabulary.

The illustrations remain unframed throughout the story, and are typically painted in a bright and flamboyant way–I believe this reflects Nancy’s personality perfectly. The only page that was done a bit darker was the one in which the text is describing the jealousy that Nancy feels as she tells her mother that she also wants her won pair of glasses. The illustrations work with the text so that neither could necessarily exist alone in the book.

This book provides children with a mirror that can show them that if they have glasses, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Initially, the friend was worried that the other children would make fun of her, but instead she grows more comfortable with her glasses as people compliment her and she grows more accepting of them. This story also teaches children a bit more about the process of getting glasses, as Nancy’s mother explains that her friend needs them to see and the way it will improve her vision and make things easier for her. In the end, Nancy comes to accept that she should not be jealous that people are flattering her friend after she starts to wear glasses, as there were struggles that the friend had to face up until that point and she deserves to feel accepted and comfortable among her peers.


Have I got a book for you!


Author/Illustrator: Melanie Watt

Publisher and Year: Kids Can Press, 2009

Number of Pages: 30

Genre: Fiction
hqdefault Salesman Mr. Al Foxword claims that he can sell anyone anything, even the book that is being read. Al isn’t very convincing, but by the end of the book, the reader still feels like they have to buy the book.

This book couldn’t really work as a window, mirror, or door. It teaches no lesson and has no real point, other than amusement. In this story, all of the power is in the salesman’s hands. He forces the reader to continue along in the book and at the end of the book, the reader sees that a page is ripped so they are forced to buy it. The “you break it, you buy it” idea is so common in society, mainly because sellers know that no one else will want a broken item, so it would be in the seller’s best interest to make the person who broke it, buy it.

Perceptually, the words add to images and vice versa. There’s lots of dialogue, which makes it an easier read and more entertaining. The main character is speaking to us the entire time. He uses sarcasm and generic compliments to convince us to buy the book. Structurally, the words and images are set up in a way that it looks like an advertisement. Al, the salesman, appears multiple times on one page near the end. He is starting to lose control, as he cannot seem to convince us to buy the book. He also appears much bigger on pages where he is offering something that he feels is irresistible (but is actually really dumb)—almost like he’s in our face telling us to buy it.

The Only Child

Author/Illustrator: Guojing

Publisher and Year: Schwartz & Wade Books, 2015

Number of Pages: 100

Genre: Fantasy/Fiction

A lonely, only child runs away from home and finds a mysterious stag that takes her to a magical world. In this world, she feels loved and eventually misses home. Guojing takes us through the young girl’s journey back home to her family.

This book could serve as a mirror for those who can identify with the young girl. Some children may feel lonely and are only children, or at least feel as such. Children often use their imagination to “run away” to a place where they feel wanted and empowered. This story could also work as a window into the Chinese culture. The author has stated that this book “…reflects very real feelings of isolation and loneliness I experienced growing up in the 1980’s under the one-child policy in China” (P. 1). The longing for attention and love that a child feels is something that a multitude of readers can relate to.

There are no words in this book, as it is a picture narrative. Structurally, the entire story is told with pictures. For majority of the pages, the images are framed. There is no apparent pattern to the unframed images, but the reader feels more connected to those pages. The images are dark, which emphasizes the sadness the girl feels. The background to the images is more of a sepia when she is home and unhappy, but it is white when she runs away. This change in background emphasizes which images are happier than others. However, this story could just be a huge fantasy. When the child goes to bed, we see that she is holding what appears to be the stag that she rode to this mysterious land. Ideologically, this story shows readers that although it is very easy to become lost, there is always a path guiding the way back home. This story also conveys the idea that running away is an acceptable solution to feeling alone or abandoned. The parents of the child search helplessly for their lost child, but the child moseys on home like nothing happened.

March: Book One


Authors: John Lewis and Andrew Aydin

Illustrator: Nate Powell

Publisher and Year: Top Shelf Productions, 2013

Number of Pages: 121

Genre: Non-fiction

march book one page preview 1In March: Book One John Lewis tells about the struggle he has gone through and witnessed since the beginning days of segregation. He highlights the highs and lows of the Civil Rights Movement, and how much influence he had in the process.

This book works hugely as a mirror. There are so many people that can identify with this text, and it is always helpful to get history on one’s culture. This book could work as a mirror for those who can identify with it, a window for those who can’t, and a door for those could learn a lesson from it. The 1950’s-1960’s weren’t an exciting time for African Americans, and John Lewis elaborates on that. In the beginning of the graphic novel, the Whites have all of the power. As time goes on and more Black people realize how powerful a peaceful protest could be, they begin to gain power. The use of peaceful protests is something that is still prevalent and effective today. Perceptually, the pictures mirror and add to the text, and vice versa. Most of the text is dialogue, and the rest are descriptions of scenes, people, and situations.

Structurally, the novel is set up as typical graphic novel would be: pop-out speech balloons and lots of pictures. The characters continuously move to the right, which symbolizes them moving forward. The entire book is in black and white, but the reader can still feel when a scene is “darker” than others. This may also be because the book was about problems between Blacks and Whites, so it would make sense to have the book in black and white only. Some backgrounds are white with black panels, which makes us feel lighter and less tense about what is going to happen next. Other backgrounds are black with white panels or no frames at all. There is usually a life-changing moment occurring on these pages. Ideologically, this story can serve to teach readers about African American history, if nothing else. It shows that everything does not have to be solved with violence, and that peacefully hashing things out can be more beneficial. This story also teaches readers that there are perks to being the bigger person and not letting others get to you.

The Pigeon Needs a Bath!


Author/Illustrator: Mo Willems

Publisher and Year: Hyperion Books for Children, 2014

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Fiction

IMG_4397This dirty pigeon uses sarcasm and reverse psychology to get out of taking a bath. When his tactics don’t work and he is forced to take a bath, he realizes that baths aren’t so bad after all.

This book could work well as a way to get young, stubborn children to bathe. For some children, bathing isn’t the highlight of their day, so seeing the Pigeon do it could make them feel better about it.  Many parents could probably relate to the Pigeon’s parent who can’t seem to convince him to take a bath. The Pigeon Needs a Bath! Is a book that has some different humor, but is ultimately just a fun read. Like a typical parent-child relationship, the man (assuming he is the parent of the Pigeon) has the power to make the Pigeon take a bath. The Pigeon may feel that it is a choice, but in the end he will take a bath. Some parents could relate to this as well; they allow children to think that they have a choice if they do something, but in reality they don’t.

Perceptually, the entire book is just a conversation the Pigeon is having with himself. He invites the reader into the conversation a few times, but he is really just convincing himself that he shouldn’t take a bath. The text adds to the images, and the images are dependent on the text. Because the illustrations are so simple, it is not clear what exactly the scenes would mean without the text. Structurally, the pigeon is having conversations with the reader as if we someone is actually responding to him. This makes the reader feel more engaged with the book. Emphasized sounds help readers get acquainted with onomatopoeia.



Author/Illustrator: Lizi Boyd

Publisher and Year: Chronicle Books, 2004

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Fiction

IMG_2271Flashlight is about a young boy who explores the mysterious world outside of his tent. What other way to experience nature than with a flashlight? Like a flashlight, this book helps us experience the beauties of nighttime nature.

This story could work as a window into a world that a lot of children may be curious about—nature.  There are also many children who could identify with this small, curious boy. Children are known for their creativity and imagination, and this boy’s creativity is what creates this journey for him.

There are no words in this book, as it is a picture narrative. The pictures tell the story. Structurally, majority of the book in black and white to show how dark it is without the flashlight. The areas where the boy shines the flashlight are colorful and bright, but there are also two trees that always have color, even though the flashlight is not on them. This is a cut-out book, and every cut-out is a colorful spot on the next page. One of the things that the boy flashes his light on are “prayer flags”, which are common in the Tibetan culture. At one point, the small boy loses the flashlight and the animals seem to be just as curious about him as he is about them. Ideologically, this book promotes the inner creativity and curiosity in readers. Although the boy cannot see what is in the dark, as the reader, the reader can. However, the creative part comes in when the readers attempts to bring these black and white images to life, just like the young boy with the flashlight.

Leo: A Ghost Story

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Author: Marc Barnett

Illustrator: Christian Robinson

Publisher and Year: Chronical Books, 2015

Number of Pages: 42

Genre: Fiction/Fantasy

IMG_9671 [2578142]When an unwanted ghost boy, Leo, is “evicted” from his ghost home, he is forced to live on the streets. It isn’t until he meets a young, believing girl that he finally feels accepted and seen.

This book could work as a mirror for those who feel that they are “invisible.” Even though Leo is actually invisible because he is a ghost, some children may feel that they are just as invisible and unloved as Leo. It isn’t until Leo sees that he can use his ghostliness for good that he starts to gain power. When he realizes that he can scare the robber into captivity, Leo feels better about the way that he is.

Perceptually, the images depend on the text. Without the text, the images would not really make sense. The texts begins with letting the reader know that people cannot see Leo, but the reader can. This makes readers feel like they are in the story with Leo, or it at least builds a connection between the  reader and the text. Structurally, the images remain on the darker side because Leo is a ghost. Leo can also touch objects such as doorknobs and blankets, but people cannot touch feel his touch. The only person who can see and feel him is Jane, but just as people cannot see him, he cannot see the crown that Jane says she is wearing. This puts emphasis on the idea that the characters in this book can only see what they believe in. Ideologically, this book could teach readers that they should accept who they are, and if they can, find someone who accepts them for who they are as well.

Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners

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Author/Illustrator: Laurie Keller

Publisher and Year: Christy Ottaviano Books, 2007

Number of Pages: 34

Genre: Fiction/Fable

IMG_9675 [2578144]A rabbit is skeptical about what his new otter neighbors will be like. He is told to treat them as he would want them to treat him. After realizing how he’d like to be treated, he sees that maybe his new neighbors won’t be so bad after all.

This story works well as a mirror and a door. There may be some children who feel torn about how to treat someone because they are different, this book would help with that. When people see others who are different they tend to feel that maybe that person shouldn’t be treated like everyone else. There is no real power distribution in this book, as this book just really focuses on the idea that one should treat others how they’d like to be treated.

Perceptually, lots of onomatopoeia is used throughout the book, making the book easier to read and helping children with sounds. The text adds to the images and the images add to the text. There is a lot of dialogue used, as the whole book is really just the rabbit going through his thoughts. Structurally, images are bright and full of color, making the text more entertaining. Facial expressions and specific fonts help the reader understand how the text should be read. The illustrator gives examples of ways to be friendly, so there is little confusion as to what the author means (they are the same person). The illustrator also breaks down and defines certain words, such as “cooperate” for beginning readers. Ideologically, this book teaches manners such as saying please, thank you, and excuse me to others. It also teaches readers how to be polite in different languages, such as Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and Pig Latin. It emphasizes great traits such as honesty, kindness, and sharing, which are important to teach children at a young age.