Blogger discovers, reviews HUGGING THE SHORE

269332For Dorothy Borders, who writes “The Nature of Things” blog, John Updike was “a master wordsmith.” In Hugging the Shore by John Updike: A review” of Updike’s 1983 collection of essays and criticism, she notes,

“He could string words together with the best of them, and it is a pleasure to read his smooth and flowing sentences, even when those sentences were written on a subject that didn’t necessarily interest me, like golf. Just to view his writerly craftsmanship was an instruction to the art of writing. I expect I will continue to dip into this book for months to come.”

Updike urinalia? Opinion piece quotes WOE

Screen Shot 2014-01-16 at 7.54.04 AMYou never know what line from an Updike book is going to be quoted and used in an article. In an ed-op piece titled “Has the urinal had its day?” (posted January 11, 2014), senior features writer Barry Didcock begins,

“I don’t have the paperback to hand so I’m relying on my fading memory of the novel, but there’s a line in John Updike’s The Witches of Eastwick in which one of the female protagonists talks about men ‘lording it’ over the toilet bowl.

“She’s referring to their—our—ability to pee standing up.”

Didcock uses that quote as a springboard to a speculative discussion of how the urinal may be nearing the end of its life. But he doesn’t consider sporting events or concerts. Without urinals, the lines at those events would be as interminably long as they are for women.

New Yorker blogpost on Writers and Rum mentions Updike

Screen Shot 2014-01-12 at 9.51.34 AMOn January 9, 2014, Adam Gopnik posted a think piece on The New Yorker website titled “Writers and Rum,” in which he writes,

“At the other, soberer end, John Updike once said to an admirer that the reason for the astonishing longevity he shared with Philip Roth—not just achieving the second acts that Fitzgerald said were impossible in American lives but third acts and fourth acts and then both men appearing, so to speak, out in the lobby to shake hands and do card tricks after the show—was, simply, that neither drank. He brought it up because he knew it was unusual.  Growing up, he had absorbed the notion that a good writer wasn’t just possibly a drunk; a good writer had to be a drunk to be any good at all. . . .”

Begley buzz: a “most anticipated” book

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 5.23.42 PMIt’s not just Updike scholars who seem excited to see what Adam Begley has to say in his unauthorized biography Updike, which is due in bookstores on April 8. The book was also included by a contributing editor of The Millions in a feature on “Most Anticipated: The Great 2014 Book Preview.” 

“What’s left to say about John Updike that Updike didn’t already say exhaustively, and say better than anyone else could have?” Garth Risk Hallberg asks, sounding eerily like Updike himself.

“Yet Adam Begley has apparently found enough fresh material, or a fresh enough angle on the well-trod, to fill 576 pages. For a primer on Updike, there’s no way this book can surpass Nicholson Baker’s U & I, but it’s always a good sign when a literary biographer is a novelist himself.”

Begley’s Updike biography is also one of the books singled out in USA Today‘s “Winter Books preview: From Nancy Horan to Robin Roberts.”


Vermont Public Radio’s Bill Mares reacts to Just Looking

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 4.36.48 PMToday, Vermont Public Radio’s Bill Mares posted “Mares: Just Looking,” in which he tells about reading Updike’s book, Just Looking, over the holidays and responds in his own thoughtful way—more reaction than review, really, but interesting nonetheless.

There’s also a “listen” button to click on if your eyes are tired of reading things on the computer, and you’ll hear Mares read the on-air version.

“My favorite essay in the book is called ‘Writers and Artists,'” he says, offering Updike’s own description as proof: “He describes his own excitement, at the ‘glistening quick precision, the possibility of smudging, the tremor and swoop that impart life to the lines'” of the drawings he attempted as a child.

“My only quibble is that Updike doesn’t include any reference to Chinese calligraphy, arguably one of the greatest intellectual endeavors which combines artistic expression and verbal meaning,” Mares says.


Milwaukee blogger adds another Updike story commentary

recreadingMilwaukee Journal Sentinel blogger Jim Higgins writes, “I’m reading and commenting on a story from the Library of America’s recently published John Updike: The Collected Stories each Wednesday until I finish the collection or give up.”

On January 1, 2014, he posted “Reading the John Updike stories: ‘Intercession,'” but if you scroll down you’ll find links to other Updike story commentaries. On January 8 he promises “a discussion of Updike’s story ‘The Alligators” and gives two stars to a story that “would go in my hypothetical Best of John Updike collection.” So far “His Finest Hour” and “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and So Forth” have made the grade, but not the frequently anthologized “Snowing in Greenwich Village” or “Friends from Philadelphia.”

Postmodern Deconstruction Madhouse explores Updike “signage”

‘Twas six nights before Christmas and all through the Postmodern Deconstruction Madhouse there were signs from Updike’s “Rabbit” novels.

Blogger Peter Quinones takes note of the “Signs and Signage in Updike’s ‘Rabbit’ Novels” and offers a count and speculation for their frequent inclusion . . . and variation. Some of his conclusions seem like leaps—”Similarly, how do we go from 8 signs in one novel to 19 in the next? I would suggest that Angstrom’s reticular activating system has begun to be lit up to pay attention to signs, signage, and printed messages because he now works as a typesetter—it’s unavoidable”—but it’s fascinating to see what catches people’s attention from the “Rabbit” series.


Updike lauded in The Common Review

In a reflective critical essay titled “Updike Redux,” published in Vol. 8, No. 2 (Fall/Winter 2009/2010) of The Common Review, William Giraldi writes, “Of all the American literary titans who have died within the past several years—Saul Bellow, Arthur Miller, Norman Mailer, William Styron, Susan Sontag—John Updike was the most beloved.” Giraldi considers Updike’s popularity, oeuvre and literary legacy and draws a number of conclusions—among them, “We can classify the likes of Goethe and D. H. Lawrence as nothing other than men of letters, masters of many genres, and Updike was their descendant.”

The Common Review, The Magazine of the Great Books Foundation, was founded in 2001 but ceased as a print publication with the Fall/Winter 2011 issue. Thanks to Larry Randen, here’s a PDF of the full Giraldi essay.

In the latest Southern Review: John Updike Writes Like a Girl

Screen Shot 2013-11-11 at 12.55.07 PMCatchy title, isn’t it? Sounds like something you’d hear on the playground, only this one appeared in a literary playground. And the purveyor of said title (or the flinger of insults, if you prefer to think of it that way) is Barb Johnson, a former New Orleans carpenter who has gained quick notice since enrolling in an MFA program at the University of New Orleans. Recently she was named the fifth recipient of A Room of Her Own Foundation’s $50,000 Gift of Freedom Award. Her piece of nonfiction prose, “John Updike Writes Like a Girl,” appears in the latest issue of The Southern Review (Autumn 2013).

The excerpts below suggest why Glimmer Train named her a Best New Voice:

I. In Which I Rehash the Usual Criticisms of John Updike

It’s easy to dog John Updike. Reflexive, even. Anyone who has studied literature—though not necessarily Updike—knows to say that his sentences are either gorgeous and stunning, or, you know, totally overwritten and ostentatious—awash with shimmering phrases, like bubbles that Updike has blown just to watch them catch the light: whee!  Continue reading

An Updike foot fetish? One blogger thinks so

Blogger Peter Quinones (Postmodern Deconstruction Madhouse, “a blog about cinema and literature with a concentration on Bellow, DeLillo, Updike and Cavell but frequently branching out into so much more”) just posted “Tracking John Updike’s Foot Fetish – Part 1,” which includes six quotes from six of Updike’s publications as evidence and an admission that “this is only scratching the surface.” Here’s the link.