Author Archives: James Plath
Obit web magazine spotlights “Updike’s Dark Certainty”
The online magazine Obit—whose tagline in “Death is only half the story. Obit is about life . . .”—featured John Updike on January 28, 2009. In “Updike’s Dark Certainty,” Robert Roper visits “Updike country—the region where suburban platting meets knicker-dropping” and offers an lyrical-interpretive summary of Updike’s literary life, along with a bottom-story link to several obits and appraisals of Updike.
The item comes to us belatedly from Dave Lull, via Larry Randen.
Delbanco book includes Updike response to questions
Member Larry Randen called our attention to a book written by Nicholas Delbanco, “who was in the class Updike taught at Harvard before he retired from academe in the summer of 1962. It includes a letter dated August 26, 2007 in response to three questions Delbanco asked him (and many others) for his book, “Lastingness: The Art of Old Age” (New York/Boston: Grand Central Publishing, 2011, ISBN 978-0-446-19964-3.”
Randen says that Updike’s response to the form letter sent to writers, quoted in its entirety, appears in Chapter 8, “Gratification.” Also included in a mid-section gallery is a photo of Updike and Delbanco in Bennington, Vermont, 1980, taken by Elena Delbanco.
Updike bashed by The Feminist Texican
A book-review blogger who goes by the name of “The Feminist Texican” reviewed Updike’s Rabbit Is Rich on audiobook yesterday and came to the conclusion that Updike is “a big ol’ racist, misogynist asshole.” Here’s the link, for those who are curious. Thanks to Ronny Parkerson for calling it to our attention.
Guay and Mogford to serve as site and program directors for the 2014 conference
In early October of 2014 The John Updike Society will convene for its Third Biennial Conference in Reading, Pennsylvania. Directors for the conference are now set. Member Sue Guay, who brokered Alvernia University’s sponsorship of the first conference and worked tirelessly to ensure that everything ran smoothly, will serve as Site Director for the 2014 conference. And member Maria Mogford, curator of The John Updike Childhood Home and an English and Education instructor at Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania, will serve as Program Director. Mogford has taught writing and literature courses at Albright, Penn State and Bucks New University in High Wycombe, England.
The Society is grateful for their willingness to serve. Planning will begin soon, as each conference takes more than a year to put together. Mogford will announce a call for papers at some point in the future, so be thinking ahead to 2014.
Pictured is Dr. Frank A. Franco Library Learning Center, where Alvernia University president Tom Flynn welcomed members with a reception at the memorable first conference.
Guardian blogger “seeds” Updike fourth in his Great American Novelist tournament
Matthew Spencer of The Guardian has decided to use reader feedback to determine not the Great American novel, but the Great American novelist in a 32-bracket “tournament.”
Spencer seeded Updike fourth, and in his first “match” Updike goes up against Ursula K. Le Guin. Readers have to register with The Guardian to be able to post feedback which will influence the outcome.
To qualify for the tournament, writers had to produce four novels that are four possible “greats.” Spencer chose the Rabbit tetralogy for Updike’s four entries. Personally, I would have left Rabbit Redux off the list and substituted The Centaur. And for Hemingway, who was seeded eighth, I would have swapped To Have and Have Not and The Garden of Eden for The Old Man and the Sea and For Whom the Bell Tolls. So there are some curious choices here, and some equally curious rankings. For the Top 10 seeds, William Faulkner comes in at Number 1, followed by Saul Bellow, Philip Roth, Updike, John Steinbeck, Sinclair Lewis, Toni Morrison, Ernest Hemingway, Edith Wharton, and Cormac McCarthy. It’s worth noting that Spencer seeded Updike behind two Nobel laureates, but ahead of four others.
Here’s the article, with thanks to member Andrew Moorhouse for drawing it to our attention.
Updike prominently featured in NYRB article
The current issue (July 12-August 15) of The New York Review of Books is devoted to fiction, and one article prominently features Updike, member Brian Duffy writes:
Updike tree is felled, mourned in Ipswich
At the recent 2nd Biennial John Updike Society Conference in Boston, members toured Ipswich and got to see the stately elm that Updike wrote about—one of the oldest trees in Ipswich that stood directly across from the Polly Dole House at 26 East St., where Updike lived in the ’60s with his family.
Society members got to see that tree just in time. Today, The Salem News reported that the tree was taken down—but not without a proper ceremony which included David (pictured) and Michael Updike.
But it wasn’t only a case of good timing. Michael Updike knew the tree had died and called city officials to see if they could wait until after the society toured Ipswich before cutting it down.
Thanks to member Bob Batchelor for calling it to our attention.
Updike included in a Philip Roth Studies roundtable discussion
For those who missed it, Philip Roth Studies Vol. 7, No. 2 features the transcript of an ALA session in which Updike Society board member and treasurer Marshall Boswell participated: “Contemporary American Fiction and the Confluence of Don DeLillo, Cormac McCarthy, Toni Morrison, Philip Roth, and John Updike: A Roundtable Discussion.”
Marshall says that a “grainy photo” of the participants accompanies the roundtable transcript, and that he was proud to carry the Updike banner.
Here’s the transcript of the roundtable discussion, shared by permission of editor and current Updike Society board member Derek Parker Royal, who adds that members can buy a hard copy through The Philip Roth Society Website. Derek’s email is on the Meet the Board page on the left menu, if you wish to order a copy directly through him.
Updike on The Widows of Eastwick; an old interview surfaces
Former Kansas City Star book review editor John Mark Eberhart interviewed John Updike on or around October 24, 2008 in conjunction with the publication of The Widows of Eastwick. An article based on the interview appeared in the Star, but not until January 4, 2009. That article was reprinted in Pop Matters on January 7, 2009. However, the full Q & A that was the basis for the article has never appeared anywhere. We print it here by permission of Mr. Eberhart, with gratitude.
JME: I was a little surprised you decided to revisit your witches from “The Witches of Eastwick.” But of course you’ve revisited Henry Beck and, most famously, Rabbit Angstrom. Anyway, why these characters, and why now?
JU: For lack of a better idea, basically. The first sequel to “Rabbit, Run” came about because I’d wasted a lot of time doing research on President James Buchanan and I owed the world, I came to feel, a novel. The best thing I could think of was, “I wonder how Harry Angstrom is doing now?” “Rabbit, Run” had been left up in the air. So there was an excuse there, and I discovered it’s fun to write a sequel. It gives you a grip on time as it possesses the characters. Also, there’s a certain layered richness that you rightly or wrongly imagine as you work on a sequel or even a sequel to a sequel!
I never meant to write a sequel to “The Witches of Eastwick,” but the book was more of a commercial success than my books usually are. It sold well enough, and they made a movie of it. The movie, although attractive in its cast and its scenery, basically distorted or ignored the book itself. The main events of the plot as I conceived it was that the witches managed to put enough of a spell on one of the men in the town that he beat his wife to death and committed suicide, creating two orphans, and one of these became a kind of assistant witch, and she also was eliminated by a spell. Anyway, none of that plot got (in the movie).” Continue reading