Steve Groetsema ’07

Director of development and leasing for Bridge Development Partners, Steve Groetsema ’07 has grasped the keys to a successful career in the real estate industry.

“You work on deals for so long, and you ride through so many twists and turns that are inevitable during the process, that it is exciting and gratifying to see how the puzzle eventually fits together,” he told the Illinois Real Estate Journal. “I also often look back and realize what I know now compared to four- five years ago, and even one year ago.”

Read the full article for details.

47 Alumni Needed

IWU’s fiscal year ends TODAY – July 31 – Thank you if you’ve already made your annual gift!

Now help us find the 47 additional alumni donors we need to reach our participation goal by today. Organizations view alumni participation as the metric that measures alumni satisfaction. It affects IWU’s ranking, bond rating, and ability to earn grants, so make your gift today at to keep IWU strong!  Every donor counts!

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