Charlene Carruthers ’07

Charlene Carruthers ’07, a noted leader in the anti-police-violence movement, says her passion for activism was sparked while studying abroad as an Illinois Wesleyan student. Read more in a recent interview.

She also explains how her chapter of the Black Youth Project has become what the Chicago magazine calls “the most vocal and arguably most effective activist group in town” in this article.

Beth Dennis ’07 and Kevin Latman ’06

Latman Dennis weddingBeth Dennis ’07 and Kevin Latman ’06 were married at the Meadowlark Botanical Garden in Vienna, Va., on Sept. 12, 2015. The couple met at an IWU alumni reunion in Washington, DC, in 2010.

Pictured from left to right are Jennifer Shaughnessy ’98, Rebecca Welzenbach ’07, Kyle Griffith ’07, Sarah (Zeller) Julian ’07, the bride, the groom, Chelsea Schafer ’08, Eric Johnson ’08 and Rob Barrett ’06.

Beth Dennis ’07

Beth Dennis is a Program Officer at the U.S. Department of State, working to promote better international relations through educational exchange. She earned a Master of Arts in International Affairs, with a regional concentration in Latin America, from George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs in 2012.