Andrea (Johanns) Hayes and Dusty Hayes welcomed daughter Abigail Marie Hayes July 31 at 7:40 a.m. Abigail weighed 6 lb. 6 oz. and measured 20 inches. Congratulations on your new addition!
Category Archives: Marriages & Births
Adam Dickens ’07
Audrey Louise Dickens was born July 10 to Adam Dickens ’07 and his wife Kate. Audrey weighed 6 lb. 10 oz. and was 19.25 inches. Mother and baby are doing well. Congratulations!
Mike Stephens ’07
Mike Stephens and his wife Ashley welcomed their newest addition, daughter Ava Rose, on July 4, 2014. Congratulations!
Aaron ’07 and Anne (Bostrom) Bailey ’07
Aaron and Anne (Bostrom) Bailey have a new addition to their family, Robert Owen Bailey. He was born May 6 weighing 8 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 inches long. Congratulations!
Melissa (Finch) Kummer ’07
Melissa (Finch) Kummer and her husband Jacob welcomed baby Jackson Thomas on May 1. Congratulations on your Tiny Titan!
Melissa works as a school psychologist at Putnam County School District in Jacksonville, Fla.
Melissa (Koeppen) Costello ’07
Melissa (Koeppen) Costello and Patrick Costello welcomed baby Ella Ann Costello on March 28. Congratulations!
Matt Majernik ’07
Matt and Liz Majernik welcomed Gannon Dwight Majernik at 7:37 a.m. on April 28. Congratulations!
Tina (Broholm) Gnade ’07
Eric and Tina (Broholm) Gnade welcomed Lillian Carol Gnade on October 8, 2013.
Congratulations on your Tiny Titan!
David and Shivangi Trueblood ’07
David and Shivangi Trueblood had a baby boy named Jonathan in December.
Shivangi is a Human Capital Consultant with Deloitte in Chicago.
Donovan Davis ’07
Donovan Davis & Sara (Longtin) Davis ’08 were married on May 18, 2013 in Wheaton, IL.
They shared the day with Alumni friends:
- Maid of Honor- Claire (Goble) Cordray ’08
- Bridesmaid- Vicki Beata ’08
- Groomsman- Paul Meiste ’07
- Ashley Kappmeyer ’08
- Grace Hollander ’08
- Kim (Wolski) Duback ’08
- Mike Duback ’08
- Andrea de Avila ’08
- Adam Cordray ’09
- Beth Crutcher ’09
- Bridget McFadden’ 08
- Mary Kate McMeel ’08
- Cory (Edwards) Bogen ’08
- Brent Bogen ’08
- Ibby Stith ’08
- Bridget Wall ’08
- Lindsay (Perala-Dewey) Schlemmer ’09
- Kristen (Zomparelli) Pham ’07
- Maggie Burnworth ’08
- Jamie (Pitts) Parker ’08
- Andrew Parker ’08
- Amanda (Compton) LoPresti ’07
- Matthew LoPresti ’07
- Theresa (Lawson) Goble ’80
- Jonathan Goble ’80
- Megan Sheehan ’08
- Hannah Kramer ’09
- Seth Reid ’09
- Alaina Marth ’08
- Jessica (Dixon) Sarros ’06
- Kathleen Mitchell ’08
- Lindsay Gross ’08
- Evan Lowery ’08
- Alyssa (Underwood) DeWitt ’08
- Molly Doran Hesse ’07
- Andrew Doran Hesse ’06
- Paul Rotert ’07
Congratulations, Donovan and Sara!