Laurie Diekhoff

Laurie Diekhoff departed from IWU after 10 years at the Hart Career Center. She told her colleagues, “I spent 10 great years at the Career Center, enjoying my work, my colleagues, and the many relationships I have made on campus and in the community as a result of this position. Assisting students with their career development plans, helping employers fulfill their hiring needs, developing new programs, and contributing to the ongoing success of the Hart Career Center has been quite rewarding!”

Ryan Naimy ’07

Click to enlarge photo. (left to right) Sarah Bordson (07), Charles Haugland (07), Michael Sicher (05), Sarah Ziebart Sicher (07), Julia VanderVeen (07), Loren Jones (07), Ryan Naimy (07, groom), Caleb Faille (groom), Jesse Gaffney (07), Bryonha Parham (07), Stephanie Grady (07), Carol Rose Durkin (07), Peter Durkin (07), Jonathan Cable (07)

Ryan Naimy ’07 married Caleb (Faille) Naimy on June 24, with many alumni friends in attendance. Congratulations on your wedding!