Bethany (Kesselring) Wasik ’04

Bethany (Kesselring) Wasik accepted a postdoctoral research associate position at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department. She and her husband, Brian (’04) and their son, Cameron, are greatly enjoying the “gorges” scenery! Previously, Bethany and Brian both completed postdoctoral appointments at Yale University in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department.

Congratulations on your new endeavor!

Wesleyan All In

The Class of 2004 had 78 donors for the Wesleyan All In campaign on April 2nd!

I'm-All-In-For-Wesleyan-icon 2014

Van Miller, Associate Director of the Wesleyan Fund, wrote: “All in for Wesleyan demonstrated to students that there’s a large network of alumni and friends who are helping make their educational experience great. Students showed their appreciation in many ways (social media, performances, etc.) and now have a better understanding of why annual support is so important to the future of Illinois Wesleyan. That lesson is so important for our students to learn, so thank you for playing an active role in teaching it.”

Thank you to everyone who supported the campaign. Your contributions support future opportunities for other Wesleyan students.