All In Happy Hours

Check out the All In Happy Hours taking place around the country. Show your Titan pride by spreading the word about All In for Wesleyan to your personal networks via social media, calls, texts, emails, etc.

You’ll have a great time while encouraging others to make an additional gift on All In and share stories about how IWU Unlocked Opportunities for each of us. Visit our webpage for more information and registration

Are you in??

On April 11, alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff, and friends of IWU show your pride and support by being All In for Wesleyan. During this 24-hour giving day, let’s unlock opportunities together – you are key to our success!

Be All In, All Day, make an additional gift at and spread the word on social media using#AllInforWesleyan. Check out our social media toolkit!

Shelby Sours ’02

Shelby Sours ’02 recently performed in Chess, a musical.

Set in 1979 at the International World Chess Championship, this highly acclaimed musical develops the ancient and distinguished game of chess into a metaphor for romantic rivalries and East-West political intrigue. The players, lovers, politicians, CIA and KGB make their moves to the pulse of this monumental rock score. Several numbers, including “One Night in Bangkok” and “I Know Him So Well”, are international hits.

Happy TAG Day!!

Thank-A-Giver Day (TAG Day) is on Monday, February 11. This day provides the IWU campus community with the opportunity to thank the donors who support Illinois Wesleyan. IWU celebrates each year in mid-February because it marks the symbolic point during the academic year – about 70% of the way through – when tuition dollars run out and support from alumni and friends, our endowment, and external grants kicks in for the remainder of the year.

Thank you to all donors who help make the IWU experience possible!

Emeritus Associate Professor of Economics Robert (Bob) Leekley

Emeritus Associate Professor of Economics Robert (Bob) Leekley passed away on Tuesday, Jan.1. Prof. Leekley started teaching at Illinois Wesleyan in 1974, and from his first year to his 44th, his commitment to IWU and our students remained unchanged. His positive impact on generations of students and colleagues will not be forgotten. Read an obituary. A service will be held in the IWU Evelyn Chapel from 11-12 on Wednesday, January 9th.

Munib Said Mafazy ’02

Student, Faculty and Alumni Bring Aid to Kenyan Health Clinic


The clinic was founded in 2007 by Professor of Anthropology Rebecca Gearhart Mafazy and her husband, Munib Said Mafazy ’02, a native of Lamu who serves as executive director. The clinic provides free, high-quality healthcare six days a week to the impoverished community, and Illinois Wesleyan has a long history of aiding LCPH through fundraisers and service trips.

The full article can be viewed by clicking the link below.