Melissa Beaver ’93 takes new position at Heritage Health

Melissa Beaver has been promoted to Vice-President of Community Relations and Marketing at Heritage Health.  Melissa will continue to have oversight of the Marketing Department but will now also be responsible for the Community Relations Coordinator Program for the Skilled Nursing facilities as well.  Melissa has been with Heritage Health since October of 1997.

Congratulations Melissa on your new position!


Thank You From IWU

February 16th is Thank A Giver Day — a day when the Illinois Wesleyan campus community celebrates the generosity of our supporters. We celebrate Thank A Giver Day on February 16th because at this point we’re 70% of the way through the school year. Since tuition covers 70% of the total cost of an IWU education, it’s a fitting time to draw attention to the fact that outside support from alumni and friends of the University plays a key role in delivering the kind of educational experience we expect from our alma mater.
Last year, over 8,000 people made gifts to Illinois Wesleyan University and, regardless of the size, each and every one played a role in keeping Illinois Wesleyan strong. If you would like to take a moment to make your annual gift, we invite you to do so at
Go Titans!
thank a giver logo

New Director of Alumni Relations Hired!

We are pleased to announce Adriane Powell as the Director of Alumni Relations at Illinois Wesleyan University. Adriane has been an adopted Titan since 2010, and has lived in the Bloomington-Normal community for over 30 years. She loves to meet IWU alumni where they live, work, and play. Adriane has experience working with a diverse group of IWU alumni and is looking forward to continuing to connect with Titans all over the world!

Adriane Powell

Congratulations Adriane on your new position.

Homecoming 2014

Homecoming 2014 logo

Thank you for reading and contributing to your class newsletter.  I hope you enjoy receiving news about your classmates.  Be sure to let us know when you have news to share!

Homecoming is October 17-19.  Class years ending in 4 and 9 are reunion years.  Our theme this year is Off the Charts. We are focusing on the 150th Anniversary of the School of Music, with many music themed events.  Join us on Friday night for the Green Carpet Gala Concert & Reception at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts. On Saturday morning, the Titan Pep Band Alumni Reunion will take place on the Quad while you enjoy the free Pancake/Sausage Breakfast. Saturday night, join us in the Young Main Lounge for Club Tommy. Check the brochure or for more details. Please register soon!

I look forward to seeing you at Homecoming or another alumni event very soon.

Thank you for the Alumni Support


More than 5,000 alumni showed their support by making a gift to IWU in fiscal year 2014!

And for the second year straight, Illinois Wesleyan alumni have grown our alumni giving percentage. We are now at 23%!

THANK YOU for doing your part to keep IWU strong. 


Thank you to all members of the Class of 1993 who helped reach this milestone.  Remember, any gift to the University counts!  Please consider making a donation for the next fiscal year.

47 Alumni Needed

IWU’s fiscal year ends TODAY – July 31 – Thank you if you’ve already made your annual gift!

Now help us find the 47 additional alumni donors we need to reach our participation goal by today. Organizations view alumni participation as the metric that measures alumni satisfaction. It affects IWU’s ranking, bond rating, and ability to earn grants, so make your gift today at to keep IWU strong!  Every donor counts!

all in tutu