Fiji Reunion

FIJI pheonix

From the Phoenix Alumni Connection on January 31 are brothers from Phi Gamma Delta, honoring George Sweeney ’44 for 75 years as a Fiji. Left to right are Rick Hanna ’81, Bill Meister ’57, Jerry Philpott ’59, Marv Bower ’45, Dean Padgett ’58, Greg Gardner ’60, Ben Rhodes ’69, and Andrew Matznick ’97, with George Sweeney in front and center.

The Alpha Deuteron Chapter of Fiji at IWU will celebrate the 150th anniversary of its 1866 chartering during Homecoming weekend, October 1.  For more information:

In Remembrance of 50’s Alumni

We remember the following alumni and celebrate their lives.

Robert Billings ’57 – 1/21/2015, Sally (Pech) Chandler ’57 – 11/16/1999, Nelson Chasteen ’59 – 12/15/ 2015, James Dickinson ’50 – 6/8/2015, Laurel (Bower) Diggle ’52 – 10/20/2015, The Reverend Richard Ewing ’57 – 5/9/2015, Jack Garrett ’50 – 12/11/2015, Barbara (Bruce) Glenn ’53 – 9/16/2015, Shirlee (Haegele) Griffith ’51 – 10/21/2014, David Richardson ’57 – 7/27/2011, Janice (Moon) Scott ’58 – 7/3/2013, C. Jean (Rader) Wasem ’56 – 12/12/2015, Ann (Bodine) Willcutt ’58 – 5/6/2014.

June Merritt Mitchell ’51 and Kankakee Friends from IWU

A group of IWU alums were together at Asbury United Methodist Church in Kankakee for the “Joy of Christmas” on December 5, 2015. They are from left to right- June Merritt Mitchell, class of 1951; Suzanne Unger Thompson, class of 1968; Linda Warner Darr, class of 1972; Tom Cunnington, class of 1977; Wendy Tripp Shelquist, class of 1977; and Jewel Ann Wiltfang, class of 1978. All of the alums are members of Asbury UMC except for Linda Warner Darr. She was a guest of Suzanne Unger Thompson.kankakee alumni sent 1-2016

Send in Your News for the Paper Class Newsletters for 1950-1959

The Alumni Relations office will be working with the 1950’s newsletter editors to send out paper newsletters this summer.  If you have not returned your green alumni update form that was sent with the last paper newsletter, please return that  form to the alumni office.  News from those forms is put in the paper newsletters.  Please send in photos with captions as well.  If you have had a change of address or phone and want that change placed in the paper newsletter for your classmates to see, let us know.  News regarding your travels, volunteer service, or interests can be written on the back of the green form if you wish to share that in the paper class newsletters.

We are glad that some folks are enjoying the online newsletter as well.

Robert Cummins ’56


cummns wedding

Robert and Mary Cummins of Fairbury celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with a surprise weekend of activities hosted by their family in Bloomington. They were married on December 18, 1955. 17 family members gathered at historic Lucca’s Grill in downtown Bloomington for the “tears of joy” reunion, followed by 24 hours of revelry at Eastland Suites in Bloomington.

Jane F. (Fager) Kidd ’53

Jane F. (Fager) Kidd ’53 passed away on Wednesday, December 30, 2015.  She was from Easton, IL and graduated with a BME from IWU in 1953.  She was a member of SK and DO.  She was married to William Kidd in 1954 and he died in 1997.  She is survived by her three Children: Sherrie Wentzel, Tara Stow and William Kidd, six grandchildren and three sisters.

A link to her obituary can be found here.

December 1, 2015 Giving Tuesday

#GivingTuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 1, 2015, groups and individuals around the world are coming together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.
As you consider giving this holiday season, please consider giving the gift of bright futures to current Titans. Your gift supports all the things that make an IWU experience unforgettable and unique! Gifts can be made online at or by calling 309-556-3091.
Thanks for keeping Illinois Wesleyan in mind this holiday season. Go Titans!