current activities, not the least of which has been Moodle

Much of my last few weeks has been spent in a renewed push to help people work on their campus websites. I also had to prepare a presentation for the upcoming Sungard Summit conference

I’ve also been spending time every week working on a revamped test Moodle system. This time the campus authentication system is in effect!

Yesterday Patrick and I tried out the integrated wiki tool and the chat tool. We also tried something called a “choice,” which is really just a poll. Another tool is called “survey” which you might think does the same thing as a “choice.” Not so – surveys are actually standard types and are not customizable at all. They are mostly variations of ATTLS (Attitudes Toward Thinking and Learning Survey) or COLLES (Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey) survey instruments.

I’d also like to encourage everyone to subscribe to the other Office of IT blogs. Our staff has been doing a nice job of keeping some communication flowing, but we still need people to read them!

Fred’s blog – IT planning and operations (also a source for notes and updates on system problems and outages)

Network and Server Group blog – some great explanations of what goes on in the mysterious server room

Patrick’s blog – great tips and basic explanations of useful desktop-level skills

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