Miss Mingo Weathers the Storm


Title: Miss Mingo Weathers the Storm

Author: Jamie Harper

Illustrator: Jamie Harper

Publisher and Year: Candlewick Press, 2012

Number of Pages: 31

Genre: Fiction

Analysis: Miss Mingo Weathers the Storm is about a flamingo teacher and all of her students who take a hike for their class field trip. Throughout the hike, each animal’s special talent is helpful in different scenarios, resulting in a successful field trip.

This book can function as a mirror for any teacher who takes students on a field trip. Although the characters throughout this book are all animals, the book is still relevant to teachers. Teachers also realize throughout the school year that each student in their class has a special talent or unique characteristic that adds to the classroom and helps fill the family vibe within the class. The book can also function as a window for all children wanting to learn about animals. The tidbits of scientific information that is provided throughout the entire book allow students to learn different facts about different types of animals.


Perceptually, the book is colorful, warm and inviting for all kids. This book appears to be kid friendly and an interesting book about animals. While first looking at the front cover, one may assume that the book is a cute picture book. However, the picture book includes information about different animals.


Structurally, the book includes facts about the animals’ skills and talents. These facts are put on display on different pages throughout the entire book. The facts throughout the book add to the text, while the images mirror the text of the story. The facts can also act as images throughout the book. One thing that every page has in common is that the images are not framed, which allows the readers to feel part of the story throughout the book.


Ideologically, this book is a perfect example about how each student’s skills and talents add to the classroom environment. Every student is special in their own way, so this book can be used to allow students to see that their talents are special to the class as a whole. A class wide lesson that a teacher could teach from this book is that as a class we are better together then apart. Another lesson that could be taken away from the book is that the facts about each animal are scientific information, which could be teaching points that students would find interesting. Overall, this book is a fun and interesting book that students will love, but teachers can also find teachable moments throughout the book.

A Day’s Work


Title: A Day’s Work

Author: Even Bunting

Illustrator: Ronald Himler

Publisher and Year: Clarion Books, 1994

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Analysis: A Day’s Work is a story about a young boy, Francisco and his grandfather, who go to look for work in America after Francisco’s grandfather moves in with Francisco and his mother. Francisco goes with his grandfather since he does not understand English yet. The two work hard but realize that they have to come back the next day to redo their day’s work.


This book can function as a mirror for those just moving to America from another country. Many experiences that Francisco’s grandfather goes through could also be significant for other people as well. Not knowing English and having to learn English as a second language can be challenging for anyone. This book could also function as a window, for people who speak English to learn about the challenges that others experience when moving to the United States.


Perceptually, the colors from the front cover appear dull, which is not very interesting or engaging for young children. They also appear to be pencil drawings looking like rough sketches, but very detailed. Although the colors are dull and not intriguing, the mysteriousness behind the front cover, invites the reader inside the book to continue reading the story.

Structurally, the images are not framed, which allows the audience to feel invited in and included throughout the book. The text per page with the images is just the correct amount of text so that the reader can understand the text before turning to the next page. The images leave the audience with a mysterious feeling because there is not a clarity in the images, especially the faces, which leaves the reader with an idea about what occurred on that page because of the text but does not provide many details. Since the reader is not able to clearly see the faces of the characters, facial expressions and emotions are hard to see in the images. The illustrator may be trying to make a point about these workers and that workers may not want to specifically have an identity because of frequent job changes or moves.


Ideologically, this book is an excellent example of honesty, loyalty, and that hard work pays off. The grandfather and Francisco are loyal and honest with their employer. Since they completed the wrong job, they were not going to accept payment until the next day when they had completed the job correctly. This example teaches children to always be honest and loyal because these characteristics are valued among adults, parents, and teachers. The easy way out would have been from the grandfather and Francisco to simply accept the money and come out the next day to partially complete the job, but they took the harder route by waiting. Another lesson that this book teaches children is that hard work pays off. Since Francisco and his grandfather took the harder route, they were more valued by their employer, and it could be likely for them to be asked again by this same employer to work for him another time. A Day’s Work is a great book to teach children about morals and values.



Benito’s Sopaipillas


Title: Benito’s Sopaipillas

Author: Ana Baca

Illustrator: Anthony Accardo

Publisher and Year: Piñata Books, 2006

Number of Pages: 26

Genre: Fiction

Analysis: Benito’s Sopaipillas is about a young girl,Cristina, learning about her family history. Her grandmother tells her a story about Cristina’s great grandfather Benito and his soup catchers also know as sopaipillas in Spanish that he made many years ago with his mother.

This book can function as a window for those who are not familiar with this culture and sopaipillas. Many people who read this book can learn a lot about the culture displayed throughout. Not only could the book function as a window, but it could also function as a mirror for those who are familiar with this culture. People of this culture can relate to this book and understand the story behind sopaipillas. Benito’s Sopaipillas can also function as a door for children who want to learn more about their family culture and history. Cristina learns a lot about her great grandfather Benito and his sopaipillas, so other children could want to learn about their family history.


Perceptually, the front cover of the book had a mysterious feeling especially since they were cheering for rain, which was unclear the meaning behind the image on the front. From the front cover, there is both Spanish and English portrayed in the title, author and illustrator which showed that the book would both involve Spanish and English, without even opening to the first page.

Structurally, all the images are on the right side, with the entire left side full of text. The text is in two different languages, Spanish and English, which is why the text takes up an entire page. On each page, the image is framed, which only allows the audience to have a glimpse into the storyline, and not truly connect with the storyline and characters. Separating the English text and the Spanish text is a small image of a crop. This image changes throughout the book adapting to the storyline, three examples of this image can be seen below.


Ideologically, the book expresses stories about Cristina’s family history, showing to the audience that family history is important for all to learn about. Cristina learned about her own family’s culture and history, which could encourage the audience to also learn about their own family culture and history. Since the book contains text in both Spanish and English, the two different languages are useful depending on the audience. For example, if one person wanted to learn Spanish and knew English, he or she could read the English text and the Spanish text to learn the meaning of different words. The same is true for the opposite, if one person were to know Spanish, but not English, he or she could use both texts to learn English.


Ava and the Real Lucille


Title: Ava and the Real Lucille

Author: Cari Best

Illustrator: Madeline Valentine

Publisher and Year: Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers, 2012

Number of Pages: 30

Genre: Fiction

Analysis: Ava and the Real Lucille is about two sisters, Ava and Arlie who enter a contest to win a pet. The girls are hoping to win a dog when entering the poem contest. The end result is not what they thought, but the prize ended up being perfect.

This book can function as a mirror for young kids wanting a pet, which is common for most children. Not only will this book function as a mirror for children but can work as a mirror for parents as well. Children who want a pet are constantly talking about their pet and bugging their parents. Both children and parents can relate to this book because the real life experiences are understandable from the audiences perspective.


Perceptually, the front cover of the book is colorful and appears to be about a little girl Ava and a pet dog named Lucille. The book looks to be a fun and entertaining book for children. The cover catches the reader’s attention, who is then interested in reading about Ava and her pet Lucille.


Structurally, many pictures throughout the book have round frames, implying that the characters are content and secure. The illustrator could have created these round frames for the audience to think that the two little girls were content with the fact that they could win a poem contest and receive a pet dog. The round frames throw the reader off a bit, thinking that the girls will win a pet dog, when they actually win a pet bird. At the end of the book when Ava and Arlie love their pet bird, there are also round frames, showing the girls are content with having a pet bird named Lucille. The images both give more details as well as mirror the text throughout the book.

Ideologically, this book portrays a positive message but also conveys a negative message for children as well.   Positively, the book teaches children about the responsibility that is associated with having a pet. Children learn to love and care for the pet, regardless if it is a pet that they had wished for. The book teaches children that they must feed, love, help, and play with their pet. All of these actions are important lessons for children to read about prior to actually buying a pet. However, when first receiving the pet, Ava was ungrateful for the pet bird that they won, because she wanted a dog. She would yell and stomp so loud that her actions would upset Lucille the bird. Ungratefulness, disrespect and impatience are all lessons that teachers and adults do not want children reading about and learning to behave in such a way. After Ava’s poor actions, she came around and really cared for Lucille the bird, however, her prior actions were poor lessons for children to learn.



The Deaf Musicians


Title: The Deaf Musicians

Authors: Pete Seeger and Paul Dubois Jacobs

Illustrator: R. Gregory Christie

Publisher and Year: The Penguin Group, 2006

Number of Pages: 28

Analysis: The Deaf Musicians is about a man who loves music but is deaf. Initially, he is kicked out of his first band, but he meets other deaf musicians who create a quartet and they are successful musicians on the subway.

This book could function as a mirror for deaf people who love music. Deaf musicians are not typically seen throughout society, so having a book that is relatable to deaf musicians is important. A window could be another function for this book because other people may not think that people who are deaf can be musicians as well, but that is obviously not the case in this book. Deaf musicians are able to achieve and be successful in their own way.

Perceptually, the front cover had colorful and unique images, but the images were also diverse in skin color, characteristics, hairstyle and personality. The reader may also not be able to tell who the deaf characters are in the book, simply by looking at the front cover. That crucial aspect sends the message that not all disabilities change the outward appearance of the person. A person who is deaf can be just as successful as any other person.


Structurally, the main character, Lee, was typically on the right side of the page or faced towards the right of the page until his quartet of deaf musicians were successful on the subway. Being on the right side of the page or facing towards the right is a way to portray that the character is less secure and stable. Lee’s security with himself could’ve been lost when being kicked out of his first band before finding the quartet of other deaf musicians. Bright colors in each image helps show freedom that Lee and the other musicians feel while creating their own music on the subway throughout the book.


Ideologically, a crucial lesson that can be taken away from this book is that disabilities do not change the success a person can have. A disability may challenge the person, but having a disability does not mean that one cannot be successful. This book also teaches children that individuality and uniqueness is important and that all students should accept their differences because those characteristics are what make them special. Throughout the entire book Lee persevered and believed in his talents and abilities, which eventually lead to his success on the subway. Teachers strive to have all students accept and include any students with disabilities.


Dancing in the Wings

Dancing1 Title: Dancing in the Wings

Author: Debbie Allen

Illustrator: Kadir Nelson

Publisher and Year: The Penguin Group, 2000

Number of Pages: 29

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Analysis: Dancing in the Wings is about a young girl, Sassy, who loves ballet but is taller than all of her peers. Throughout the book, Sassy learns to embrace her difference leading to her success near the end of the book.

This book could function as a mirror for all young girls who love dancing but do not always feel that their appearance is the same as their classmates. Girls typically struggle more with self-image compared to boys, so this book helps young girls embrace their characteristics. I think that this book could also function as a mirror for African American girls. They could see themselves through Sassy and her family. Having a book that is applicable to African American girls can make these girls feel included and understood. A window is another function of this book because people can learn about some aspects of a different culture from this book.

Perceptually, this book portrays a musical, beautiful and elegant cover that makes one believe that the same types of images will continue throughout the book. However, that is not the case at all. Within the images, Sassy appears to have two different sides to her personality. One aspect of her personality portrays elegance through the dancing images. Another aspect of Sassy’s character that is portrayed in the images is her athletic and tomboy characteristics, as seen in the images below. However, all of the images are beautifully drawn throughout the entire book.


Structurally, Sassy is taller and larger than her classmates, showing that she is stronger than her classmates as well. This is symbolic to the ending of the book, when Sassy outlasts all of her classmates in a tryout. The unframed images allow the audience to feel included in the story and allow the audience to connect with Sassy and her challenges that she faces throughout the book. Throughout most of the book, Sassy is facing left. This is a way for viewers to see that Sassy is less secure with herself. After Sassy wins the dance contest between other girls she still continues to face towards the left, which can be a sign of the lack of confidence that Sassy has with herself. For the longest time Sassy has been bullied about her height, so her struggle to believe in herself is something that she has learned over time from her peers and teachers.Dancing2

Ideologically, this book expresses the message that one should embrace his or her individuality because what makes him or her unique may be what leads to success. Sassy was successful and won the dance contest because of her height and long legs. What was once a deficit in her mind, became one of her biggest assets. Sassy always worked hard even when her peers would discourage or upset Sassy and in the end all of her hard work paid off. Throughout the book, there were a couple girls who were mean and would upset Sassy. This is a lesson that children should not be taught. Even though this lesson was an essential part of the story plot, children could learn this from the book.

Dear Primo: A Letter to My Cousin


Author: Duncan Tonatiuh

Illustrator: Duncan Tonatiuh

Publisher and Year: Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2010

Number of Pages: 29

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Analysis: Dear Primo is a book about two cousins who live in different countries, one in America and the other cousin in Mexico. These boys write letters back and forth comparing the cultural differences in their own country. Dear Primo is also a 2015 Monarch Award Nominee.

This book could function as a mirror for other families whom are separated by country borders. Many families experience separation from one another and have some cultural differences within their family members. For families who are experiencing the same dilemma as Charlie and Carlitos, this book could function as a door because it could encourage them to write letters or communicate more with their families in other countries. However, this book could also function as a window for those who have family living in the same town or even same state because they could learn more about different cultures amongst families after reading this book.

Perceptually, the unique depictions of the characters on the front-page make the audience wonder what the book is about and curious if all the images will have a similar style as the drawings of the boys on the front. Once seeing the cover, the reader may want to dive into the book and read more about the culture seen. From the front cover, people who have learned about Spanish will recognize the word “primo” which means cousin in Spanish. This hint allows Spanish-speaking readers to know that this book will include the Spanish culture.

Structurally, the unframed images allow the audience to feel part of the action, experiencing the moments with Charlie and Carlitos. While reading the book, a reader may relate more to one cousin than the other. Within the book there are a couple pages that have similar instances portrayed with minimal differences. For example on the last page, which Primo2is seen to the right, the boys are both in bed, but the differences of their shoes, lights, beds, shelves, tables and toys all vary based on the culture and country that the boys live in. The images throughout the book add to the words. Often times when Carlitos is writing he will include words in Spanish, so the images help the reader to understand the meaning of those few Spanish words.


The book ideologically portrays some important lessons about family and culture. The value of family can be seen throughout this book by the letters that Charlie and Carlitos write to each other. The boys care for one another and value the differences within their culture. Even though the cultural differences exist, the boys still love and respect one another. The differences are what make the family special in their own way. This book teaches others about a new culture and some basic language that children may be able to use. The lessons throughout this book are beneficial, informational and intriguing.

Loretta Ace Pinky Scout


Title: Loretta Ace Pinky Scout

Author: Keith Graves

Illustrator: Keith Graves

Publishers and Year: Scholastic Press, 2002

Number of pages: 30

Genre: Fiction

Loretta Ace Pinky Scout is the story of a young girl who, due to pressures of living in a perfect family, aspires to perfection herself. It tells the story of her attempt and failure at winning a marshmallow-roasting badge. This failure sends her into a spiral with the realization that she is not perfect after all. A visit from the spirit of her grandmother reveals the imperfections in all of the people she viewed as perfect, allowing Loretta to see that it is okay to have flaws.

This book functions as a mirror to its readers. All people, adults and children alike, compare themselves to others at times or strive, sometimes without knowing it, for perfection in one area or another. This book allows children to see the benefits of imperfections and flaws in Loretta and her family with the intent of allowing them to come to terms with their own limitations and flaws in a healthy manner.

The dynamic of power is interesting in this story in that Loretta is portrayed by the illustrator as very small compared to most objects (i.e. World-dominating chicken, scout book, etc.). This shows the readers a lack of power, despite the fact that the words are emphasizing her power. I think that is important because all of this takes places before she realizes the beauty in her flaws. The only time she is shown as large is the very last page. On this page she is receiving a medal for saving the world. I think that this shift in power is crucial in allowing the reader to see that that he or she is only truly powerful when they accept themselves as they are rather than trying to be a perfected version of themselves.

The images in this story do a fantastic job of showcasing Loretta’s accomplishments in a way that add to the image of perfection. The readers are visually overwhelmed with her deeds and character, heartbroken with her over her failure, and able to champion her well in her new found identity as an imperfect but powerful human. In addition to the images playing a major role in the story, there are strategically placed thought bubbles that give us greater clues to Loretta’s thought process. I think this was an intentional and genius decision of the illustrator that really helps to move the book along. Overall, this book addresses an important self-worth issue among children: Perfection is a fake ideology. This shatters the glass on perfectionism, and thankfully so. Hopefully children will be able to read this and realize that, like Loretta, they do not need to be perfect to be accepted or even good.

Let’s Play As A Team


Author(s): K. Hallinan

Illustrator/Photographer: K. Hallinan

Publisher and Year: Ideals Children’s Books in 1996

Number of Pages: 22

Genre: Fiction


This book was about a group of friends who all have different talents and enjoy playing different sports, and they are trying to decide what game they should all play together. In the end, they decide to play a sport that nobody is particularly good at, but by creating teams fairly, all their talents will shine through.

I believe that this story could function as a door for some children to realize that everybody has different talents and interests, and this is a good thing, especially when working together as a team. This could also function as a mirror for children to recognize situations where they have been in a team and how much fun it was when everyone had the chance to be included. Also, the illustrations for this book include children of many different races, genders, and abilities, to enforce the idea that everyone is different and has different talents. All the illustrations are unframed and take up the entire page, which allows the reader to really feel like they are a part of the action and decision making as well, thus emphasizing the theme of teamwork and togetherness.

Although this story’s main intent may be to teach children the importance of teamwork, I think that there are a few issues with the way it was presented. This book seems to give white people the power, or explain why the American culture is the best. For example, all the children seem to have very white names such as Sue, Henry, Ben, Jay, Jeannie, and P.K. (the author’s name), but these children are portrayed as coming from different races or ethnicities. Also, the American flag is continuously shown throughout the text, from the title page of book where all the children are shown paying their respects to it, to the ending of the end of the book where the little white boy is holding it. There are also references to the way that the American people vote for their government, the children all vote and they state that it is “democratic and just” (Hallinan 22). However, I believe that this story is not an accurate representation of the American culture, because it does not reveal the injustice and corruption that is within our country and specifically the government. This book may reinforce the idea that the American way of life is better than other countries because there are no flaws and everyone is included, without discrimination.

The Table Where Rich People Sit


Author(s): Byrd Baylor

Illustrator/Photographer: Peter Parnall

Publisher and Year: First Aladdin Paperbacks edition July 1998

Number of Pages: 27

Genre: Fiction, Poetry


This story is about a little girl, nicknamed Mountain Girl by her parents, who begins the book by stating that her family is not rich but her parents seem to disagree with her. She believes that their kitchen table her parents made is not a table where rich people would sit, because it is not fancy or luxurious. After calling together a family meeting about the financial state they are in, she soon begins to realize that her family is rich in experiences and opportunities and that this is even more valuable than being rich in money.

This book provides the opportunity for children to learn and discuss poverty, but it also provides the platform that being rich is not the only way to be happy. This book allows children to look at their own lives as well and recognize all the experiences they have had that makes them rich. The text of the book does not directly address a particular race or ethnicity, but they do mention that the children were born in Arizona and Mexico and the illustrations depict a family that lives in an area with mountains, cacti, sunshine, animals, and deserts. However, I believe that this story is a criticism of the fast-paced and industrial culture of the U.S. that has been engrained in our society, even among children, who now associate money with success and happiness. The more nature-loving culture in this book is praised because they do not believe that too much value should be placed on material items.

The illustrations in this book are very powerful and emphasize the importance of nature and family. In all the illustrations the characters, scenery, and objects are all connected in some way, which reinforces the idea that this family is very in touch with nature, but also that nature is extremely valuable because it is in every image. This story challenges the idea that the only way to be rich is if you have a lot of money, and it does a great job of showing how Mountain Girl has slowly come to realize that being in nature and all the experiences her family has had in their current job are what makes someone rich.

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