Title: A Sick Day for Amos McGee

Author: Philip C. Stead
Illustrator: Erin E. Stead
Publisher and Year: Roaring Brook Press, 2010
Number of Pages: 30
Tags: Award Book, Natalie Fletcher, Animals, Fiction, Friendship, Picture Book, K-1
Genre: Fiction
Analysis: A Sick Day for Amos McGee is a book about a zookeeper names Amos McGee who visits the zoo every day. However, one morning Amos wakes up sick and is not able to visit his friends at the zoo. The animals decide to go visit Amos McGee at his house instead. This book also is a Caldecott winner.
A Sick Day for Amos McGee could act as a window for a child learning about how to be a true friend and care for their friends even when friends are not able to reciprocate. This book could also act as a door for a child or person challenging them to act on their friendships. This book could encourage people to reach out to an old friend, check up on a current friend or make a new friend. Similarly, this picture book could function as a mirror too, for friends who are experiencing friendship in a similar way that Amos and the animals experience their friendship.

Perceptually, the front cover has a bright pop of color, even though Amos and the animals are all in dull colors. Initially the book feels excited to read because of the bright yellow, but once looking closer to the images, the dull colors create a feeling of sadness and mystery. The colors throughout the book create a feeling for the reader throughout the book. The text is easy to read and helps the story flow from page to page.
Structurally, Amos and the animals are proportional throughout the novel demonstrating that the status or power of each character is equal. Prior to Amos’ illness, Amos takes care of the animals and entertains them, but once Amos falls sick, the animals step up and make Amos feel better or entertain him. The animals and Amos both have equal power to help the other, demonstrating their equivalent status throughout the book. With a lack of a frame, the audience feels part of the action that is occurring in the pictures. The images throughout the book mirror the text that is written, further expressing the text in a different manner. At times, the images can also add some clarity or details for readers while they read through the book. 
The overarching message throughout the entire book is the importance of loyalty and friendship. This book shows these messages in a way that is entertaining for young children. Children can see loyalty through Amos’ action of visiting the zoo everyday to see his animal friends. They can also learn a lesson from Amos and the animals about friendship, because Amos does not just visit his friends, he also plays and interacts with them. Likewise, the animals visit Amos, take care of him and entertain him. Simple actions go a long way and can be demonstrated throughout this book.