Mule Train Mail

Title: Mule Train MailIMG_6204

Author: Craig Brown

Illustrator: Craig Brown

Publisher: Charlesbridge, 2009

Number of Pages: 34 pages

Tags: Adventure, Animals, Culture, Diversity, Non-fiction, Picture Book, 4-5, Stephanie Prentice

Genre: Non-Fiction

Analysis: Anthony the mail man delivers mail to the town of Supai on a mule for through the Grand Canyon. This nonfiction book tells the story of Anthony’s journey, the only mule train delivery system left in the United States.

This story acts as a window for children to see the culture of the Supai village. The Supai village is located on the Havasupai Indian Reservation at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. This is very unique because people can only access this area by horse, mule, or helicopters.  The cultures represented in this book are depicted accurately. The author is very knowledgeable about this culture and delivery system because he took the journey himself before writing this book. He discusses his experience at the end of the book.

IMG_6205The images, created by the author, begin with a map tracking the map the mule train follows. As Anthony starts his descent to the Supai village, the images turn long-wise, emphasizing the downward descent of the mountain. The images display the different types of weather that the mules face such as snow and ice or very hot. The illustrations accurately depict the terrain in the Grand Canyon.  As they reach the bottom of the mountain, the images turn back to horizontal. The double spread page allows the reader to engage themselves in the journey alongside Anthony.  The book is told in a narrative manner, as if the author is retelling the story of his journey to a friend. Since this book tells a true story, it introduces children to a different culture. Students who read this book will be introduced to a different type of public service. In addition, it raises awareness about a culture that does not receive a lot of recognition. This book can also be used to show the dedication and determination that Anthony has for his job. The mail gets carried through very dangerous weather that could harm both Anthony and the mules.

Stephanie’s Ponytail

Title: Stephanie’s PonytailIMG_6206

Author: Robert Munsch

Illustrator: Michael Martchenko

Publisher:  Annick Press, 1996

Number of Pages: 24 pages

Tags: Fiction, Picture Book, K-5, Stephanie Prentice

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Analysis: Stephanie comes to school with her hair in a pony tail. The next day, her entire class has a pony tail just like her. After trying to have creative hair styles, she realizes her class is going to copy her no matter what. She tells the class she is going to shave her head. When she shows up to class the next day, everyone shaved their heads besides Stephanie.

This book serves as a mirror because it allows students to reflect on how they would feel if they were copied by other students. In the story, we see Stephanie become frustrated because she wanted to be unique. The story also allows children to reflect on the aspects that make them unique. Stephanie is given all the power in deciding how her hair will look and also how the other children in the class will style their hair.

The illustrations in this book are made with bright colors, drawing the reader in. They often mirror the text. In some cases, the images enhance the text by adding humor. This book consists mostly of one page pictures with the text on the opposite side. Robert Munsch portrays Stephanie as very confident by the repetition of the phrase, “it’s my ponytail and I like it.” The illustrator also shows her confidence in the images by her facial expressions and body language. Ideologically, this book has many layers. In the first layer, this book shows how frustrating it is when someone takes your original ideas. Stephanie becomes very frustrated that her classmates copy her original hair styles. Another layer teaches students to value their individuality. When Stephanie’s classmates shave their heads, it shows the negative aspects of being a follower instead of a leader. However, this book may be taken to be negative. Stephanie tricks her classmates into shaving their heads in spite of them copying her. This may teach children tricking people is okay. Also, at the beginning of the book Stephanie’s classmates tease her about her pony tail. I think this book is good to read for children to teach them individuality, however it is important to consider the negative views.IMG_6207

Show Some Respect

IMG_6202 Title: Show Some Respect

Author: Anastasia Suen

Illustrator: Jeff Ebbeler

Publisher: Red Wagon, 2008

Number of Pages: 32 pages

Tags: Diversity, Fiction, Picture Book, K-5, Stephanie Prentice

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Analysis: Students from Main Street School are coming back from an assembly and need to clean up their room. Jack does not understand why he has to clean the room, thinking it is the janitor’s job. His classmates teach him the importance of respect.

This text functions as a mirror because it allows students to reflect on the respect they show for their classroom and their janitor. Also, this book functions as a window because it allows students to see the expectations of taking care of their classroom as well as the true responsibilities of a janitor.  Serving as a door, this book teaches students to take initiative and take care of their classroom on their own.

This book’s illustrations are very realistic. The moods and body language portrayed in the images allow the reader to truly understand how the characters are feeling, especially Jack. The images are mostly confined to one page with the text on the opposite side. The images mirror the text. There is a portrayal of diversity within the classroom. Structurally, this book has more text on the pages than other picture books. In addition, the discussion questions at the end of the book can lead to important conversations between students. The “Words to Know” section offers the readers definitions to words they might not understand or gives the definition as it was used in the text. The title speaks very clearly to the lessons learned in the book. This book teaches students the importance of respect for their own classroom as well as the janitor. It teaches children that janitors play an important role in schools, but are not responsible for people’s personal messes. The interactions between Jack and Isiah display very realistic conversations that may take place in a classroom regarding this topic.  This can be very important for elementary students who sometimes do not understand the responsibility of a janitor. The idea of respect can translate into many other areas of life as well.IMG_6203

When Marian Sang

Author: Pam Munoz Ryan

Illustrator: Brian Selznick

Publisher and Year: Scholastic Inc. 2002

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Nonfiction




This is the true story about how one little girl proved that dreams really do come true. Marian Anderson has a voice like none other and her talent is seen by many people. Soon she works hard enough to go to music school and she keeps learning and learning till finally she is heard from different countries all over the world.

This story is such an inspiration to many children with high hopes and dreams. It serves as a mirror for some, seeing themselves as Marian and wanting to perform just like she did. This book can function as a door to open children’s eyes that anything is possible, and if a person works hard enough, they can succeed. It also gives the real life challenges and struggles that Marian had to face as she continued to become a better singer. It gives the reality of dialogue and situations that African Americans faced such as blacks not being able to apply for music school or not being able to preform in “Whites only” theatres or auditoriums.

Perceptual- Marian faces hatred and racism throughout the book. When she applies for music school, the woman behind the counter tells her that she doesn’t service Negros.

Structural-  The text is either written on the side of the pictures or below the pictures. The pictures are not framed so the audience feels involved instead of looking in like an outsider. In one of the pictures, Marian sings with the choir and the robes look like they have stars on them, which could foreshadow Marian’s stardom that was about to come.

Ideology- The issues with racism and how even though Marian had an outstanding voice, she was still treated as lower than common whites because of the color of her skin. She had to sit with the other African Americans when she rode on the train, and the President of the United States had to issue an order to let her sing in a whites only space.

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Author: Carole Boston Weatherford

Illustrator: Kadir Nelson

Publisher and year: Hyperion Books for Children 2006

Number of Pages: 37

Genre: Nonfiction




This is the true story of Harriet Tubman. She was a slave in the south who escaped and eventually gained her freedom. She went back to her former master’s plantation and took with her other slaves who longed to be free. This story tells of her miraculous journey and her unwavering faith in God.

This is such a wonderful book because it serves multiple purposes. It teaches children about real people who changed history. It teaches children that Harriet Tubman was real and she led many slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad. It opens doors for kids who might be curious about who she was and after reading the book, they go and search and learn more about her. Some kids can connect with her struggles, struggles meaning doubting in her faith or overcoming an obstacle. This book can serve as a mirror for children who might see themselves in certain situations and the book can provide a sense of encouragement.

Perceptual- In some circumstances, Harriet Tubman prays to God asking him to stay with her, or help her find her way to freedom. And God always answers her, reassuring her that everything is going to work out.

Structural- When God speaks, His words are in all capital letters, maybe symbolizing that He is bigger and more powerful than any of Harriet’s problems. His texts are also printed so that it fits with the setting on each page. For example, when the wind is blowing or waves are presents, the text is curved and moves up and down.

Ideology- Not all white people were for slavery. In the book, the author tells of white people helping Harriet Tubman escape from her plantation to a free state, and even then after she went back to free more slaves.

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A Chair for my Mother

Author/ Illustrator: Vera B. Williams

Publisher and Year: Greenwillow Books 1982

Number of Pages: 29

Genre: Fiction




A little girl, her mother, and her grandmother save up to buy a big, comfy chair to put in their apartment. The mother has no place to rest from a long day’s work at the diner. All they have is the wooden chairs from the kitchen because a fire burned most of their furniture. All that is earned is put into a big jug to save up for the big chair.

Just as in the book as people came and helped the girl and her mother after the fire burned up most of their possessions, children can also learn to help others when they are in need. It can open the door to teaching about sharing or helping others. It can also teach about how working together can solve solutions. When all the neighbors came together, they helped the little girl and her mother. Or when the girl would work in the diner along with her mother, she helped earn a few extra coins to add to the jar that would eventually buy a new, comfy chair.

Perceptual- The little girl saves up all her money in a huge jar. She even helps out at the diner her mother works at so she can make a little extra to save up for the brand new chair.

Structural- All the of the text appears on the opposite side of the pictures. On each side with the text, a very small object that is already seen on the bigger picture (on the opposite page) is underneath the text. The only time the text is not on the opposite side of the picture is when the little girl tells how the community comes together and donates items to her family after the fire.

Ideology- Giving to those who are in need. The new neighborhood, that the little girl had to move to, all got together to donate items that they didn’t need.  Saving money is better than spending money.  The little girl, her mother and grandmother all save up their money and put it in the jar so that they can buy their new chair.

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Miss Nelson is Missing

Author: Henry Allard

Illustrator: James Marshall

Publisher and Year: Houghton Mifflin Company 1977

Number of pages: 32

Genre: Fiction




            The students in classroom 207 are always misbehaving and disrespectful to their lovely teacher, Miss Nelson. One day, Miss Nelson does not show up and the kids believe they can really goof off, but are instead introduced to their mean substitute teacher. Suddenly the kids are scrambling to find Miss Nelson and bring her back.

This book can serve as a mirror for some students who get into a lot of trouble and who might be disrespectful. Even though the punishment for misbehaving might not always be a substitute teacher, the consequences will still stand and punishment will be given out. While the book is meant to be funny, it can serve as a purpose to show students how to behave correctly towards their teacher(s).

Perceptual- at the beginning of the book, the children are very rude and disrespectful to Miss nelson. After dealing with Miss Swamp, their horrible substitute, Miss Nelson returns and suddenly the children no longer misbehave and are very polite and quiet. Detective McSmogg is not very much help considering he only points out the obvious.

Structural- The text does not have a particular pattern or place that it is located. Sometimes it is located on the page underneath the pictures, or other times it is on the opposite page of the pictures. Some of the pictures are in a rectangular shape and others are in a round shape.

Ideology- Miss Nelson disguises herself as Miss Swamp and becomes the new substitute teacher. She scares the kids and forces them to do very large amounts of homework, more than they are used to. Scaring children into behaving correctly is not a good tactic to use in a classroom, but it does teach a lesson to children to be more respectful to teachers.


The Little Red Fish

Author/ Illustrator: Taeeun Yoo

Publisher and Year: The Penguin Group 2007

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Fiction



A boy named Jeje and his red fish visit a library and Jeje falls asleep and wakes up alone and must find his fish. Suddenly he opens his book and water starts pouring out. He must then jump through a book in order to save the little red fish before he loses him in the ocean.

This short story is full of magic and imagination. The power of the story rests in the mind of Jeje. After he falls asleep, he dreams about the alternate world and how he has to find his little red fish. He imagines that his fish dives into a book and Jeje must go after him, and after he opens the book, water gushes out of it and the library disappears.  This book is a door that can lead to teaching children that it is good to be creative and to use their imagination. Imagination is an important part of childhood. Without it, creativity and magic are never introduced.

Perceptual- Jeje was very excited to go inside the library for the first time. He explored all the rooms and then sat down to read some of the books.

Structural- The text always appears at the bottom of the page. It could symbolize reality while the pictures are above which could symbolize the fact that parts of the story that are Jeje’s imagination aren’t real. The pictures are in black and white, with the exception of the little red fish. In some of the pictures, if looked at closely, the reader can find shadows of where the little red fish is going.

Ideology- this book is all about imagination and how children need to be creative. It could also be an encourager of dreaming. When Jeje falls asleep, that’s when the magic comes alive and his creativity is shown through his adventure trying to find his little red fish.



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Author/Illustrator: Michael Hall

Publisher and Year: Greenwillow Books 2015

Number of Pages: 37

Genre: Fiction


This book tells the story of a blue crayon that is labeled as a red crayon and all the other colors try to fix him. They give many suggestions as to why he can’t produce a red color and try to find different solutions so he finally can create red. In the end, he and everyone else finally realizes that he is blue and not red.

This story is all about learning to accept a person the way that they were made. Just because a person might have a label on them does not mean that they have to conform to that label. If someone is gay, they might feel pressured to fit into society because society says that guys should not like other guys. People shouldn’t change the way they are or feel just to please society. And society shouldn’t force or try to change people. In the book, all the other crayons came up with all these excuses as to why the “red” crayon couldn’t produce a red color. They suggested that the “red” crayon was lazy or not very bright. Other’s questioned if he was actually red at all. “Don’t be silly. It says red on his label.” “He came that way from the factory”. Just because someone might have a label most certainly does not mean they have to conform and fit the characteristics of that label.

Perceptual- All the other crayons know that he cannot produce a red color even though he is labeled as a red crayon. All the crayons have reasons why he colors red instead of blue.

Structural- Most of the crayons are the same size so the “red” crayon isn’t different in shape and size, but different because he cannot match the color of his label. Just like someone who might be gay may look like other people on the outside, but on the inside, he is different.

Ideology-Accepting people even if they are different. In the book, the “red” crayon kept telling himself that he was red, and all the other crayons made up excuses as to why he couldn’t make the right color. After they all find out that he is actually blue, all the other crayons are very supportive of him.




Fish is Fish

Author and Illustrator: Leo Lionni

Publisher and Year: Scholastic Inc. 1970

Number of Pages: 28

Genre: Fiction




This is the story of two best friends: a tadpole and a fish. But when the tadpole starts to develop features that resemble a frog, and the fish gets larger, they realize that they are both different. Frog goes away and comes back with stories to tell Fish, but fish imagines a whole different world than what Frog is describing to him.

In the middle of the the book, Frog comes back to the pond to tell Fish all about the world out of the pond. As Frog is describing this new world to Fish, Fish imagines all the animals and people just like him. For example, Frog tells fish about birds that have “wings and two legs and different colors”. But Fish imagines them as fish with different colors and wings and two feet. Fish doesn’t know that not every animal or person looks like him. When he tries to jump out of the pond to see the other creatures, he realizes he cannot breathe and Frog pushes him back into the Pond. Fish then feels content with his underwater world and ends the book saying “Fish is Fish” I do wish that the author would have written the ending a bit differently though, because I wanted Fish to see that not everyone looks somewhat like him, and that just because they live in a different world than he does, doesn’t mean that it is bad or worse than his. Just like with children, one day they will notice that everyone doesn’t look exactly like them. Some might have different hair color or skin color, but children need to be taught that just because someone looks different from them doesn’t mean that they are better or worse.

The text is always written above the pictures. Because most the story takes place underwater, it seems likely that the text would appear above it, allowing more room for the illustrations underneath. As the tadpole begins to develop the features of a frog, the drawings of the Fish show that he keeps getting madder because the tadpole is changing. The pictures are also important because as the frog tells the fish about the different creatures he sees, fish is imagining them differently than how they actually are.

The fish keeps imaging the different animals and humans with fish bodies since he has never seen any other animal, besides the frog so he needs to be exposed to other kinds of species to understand that not everyone looks like him. The thought of superior species (race) could be present because the fish states that underwater was much better than on land and that fish is fish.


