Welcome, Titans!

Ames Library is excited to see all the new faces on campus this week. It was a quiet summer and we’re glad you’re joining the IWU family.

As you prepare for academic advising and registration, here are a few things you might need to know.

Titan Orientation Leaders (TOLs) will be in Ames 129 from 8:00am until 5:00pm on Thursday, to help out with the registration process. You just need your campus ID and password to log into the computers. Do not hesitate to ask these TOLs if you have any questions.

You can also ask the staff at the ITS Help Desk desk (309-556-1551 or walk-up, on the 3rd floor) if you have technical problems.

Don't Panic - Ames is here to help.

Don’t Panic – Ames is here to help.

DO NOT PANIC, someone will be able to help.

There are also drop-ins available at the ITS Help Desk this week as part of Turning Titan My Way. Learn more about it in the First Year Orientation Handbook and the Transfer Handbook.

Turning Titan Week

  • Monday, August 17th & Tuesday, August 18th: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, August 19th – Friday, August 21st: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, August 22nd: 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, August 23rd: 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

ScienceDirect Down, Saturday Aug. 1

From Elsevier, provider of ScienceDirect:

Scheduled Service interruption for Elsevier Research Platforms,
Research Intelligence and R&D Solutions on August 1.

Dear Customer,

We would like to give you advance notice of an interruption of service for Elsevier platforms and solutions due to scheduled maintenance.

On Saturday, August 1, access to Elsevier platforms will be unavailable due to a scheduled maintenance for approximately 4.5 hours starting at 06:00 PM EDT. Please check the World Clock Time Zone Converter to convert the time in your local time.

The platforms and solutions involved are:

  • Elsevier Research Platforms: ScienceDirect, Scopus (including Author Feedback Wizard), Engineering Village, Mendeley
  • Research Intelligence: SciVal Funding
  • R&D Solutions: Reaxys, Embase, Geofacets

Each platform will be displaying a warning to users of this scheduled downtime, and during downtime, there will be a message informing users of the temporary unavailability of service.

To stay up to date with any developments follow the individual Twitter accounts for the products.

Thank you for your patience as we strive to update our products.

Elsevier Customer Service Team

Catalog Down Sunday Morning

Starting at 12:01AM this Sunday, July 19th the servers which provide access to the library catalog and I-Share catalog will be brought down so that their data can be transferred to a different storage array. The data transfer should take at least 10 hours.

Please check the CARLI website (http://www.carli.illinois.edu) for updates, including timing updates if it looks like the transfer is taking longer than anticipated.

What’s New in Ames this Summer?

Over the summer, the Library and Campus ITS are making some changes in The Ames Library that will affect service points and phone numbers. We want to be sure you are aware of these changes, so that you can update any internal phone rosters and find us when you need us:

  • The ITS Help Desk has moved to the 3rd floor of the library. ITS/computer help, along with service & repair of your personally-owned computers, is now located in room 301 in the Library (The Thorpe Center). Instructional technology, technology training, and classroom support will remain in 301. The ITS Help Desk number stays the same: x3900.
  • The Library Services Desk (formerly known as the Circulation Desk) is now the single service point on the entry level. All library services, including research support and basic circulation functions, can be found at this desk. This desk, along with poster printing, R25 reservations, and laptop and media equipment check-out, will be managed by Katy Ritter. The phone number for this desk has changed to x3350 (previously x3053). The previous Circulation Services Manager phone number, x3224, will no longer be in service. Please call Katy Ritter at x3172 for questions.
  • Tony Heaton has moved to room 070 but will continue to manage all of our ILL, Document Delivery, course packet requests along with other collection-related responsibilities. His phone is x1040.

Office Moves

  • Karen Schmidt has moved to room 117 (previously in room 201A). Her phone number remains x3834.
  • Marcia Thomas has moved to room 114 (previously in room 117). Her phone number remains x3808.
  • Katy Ritter has moved to the Library Services Desk (previously in room 201). Her phone number remains x3172.
  • Tony Heaton has moved to room 070 (previously at the Library Services Desk). His phone number has changed to x1040.
  • Kate Browne has moved to room 301B (previously in room 301D). Her phone number remains x3890.
  • Lisa Caughron has moved to room 301C (previously in room 133). Her phone number remains x3840.

Project Rooms

Our new configuration has provided us with the opportunity to add two additional Project Rooms for student, faculty and staff to use for group projects and meetings. These rooms will be equipped with computers, projection capabilities and webcams. In addition, some of the rooms will have DVD players and phones available for any audio needs. The Project Rooms will be located in rooms; 130, 133, 134, 201A, 201B, 201D and 214.

In August, there will be a system in place which will allow you to book these rooms online through our website. Our library website will have details regarding use of this system, beginning in August.

The Ames Library web page has the new numbers posted and is the best source of information:


ITS Help Desk Moving to Thorpe Center

Help@Ames has been a great combination of library and IT services for the past three years, and now it’s adapting to better serve you.

You’ll now find ITS support on the third floor of The Ames Library. Come by and check out the new digs in the Thorpe Center. You can still call 3900 and enter your own call at help.iwu.edu, but you’ll want to email helpdesk@iwu.edu if you need help with technology.

Research support services can be found at the Library Service Desk on the entry level, previously known as the Circulation Desk. Have a question about renewing a book or getting started with research? Call us at 3053, email us at circ@iwu.edu, or stop by. You can always email a librarian directly. We’re here from 8-4, Monday through Friday until classes start in August.

Abstract Art in Ames?

Abstract Art in Ames Library?

Has The Ames Library installed a new abstract art piece on the entry level? Maybe we should call it Thinking Outside the Chair.

This isn’t the only strange thing you’ll see in Ames Library this summer. Furniture will mysteriously relocate, shelves will disappear, project rooms will move…You just wait and see what we have in store for the fall.

If you’re around this summer, we’re open Monday – Friday, from 8am until 4pm. Come check out what we’re up to, or prepare to be surprised in the fall.

IDES Lecture – Religion in Ancient Mediterranean Comedy

Erin Moodie, assistant professor in the Languages and Cultures Department at Purdue University, will present “Religion in Ancient Mediterranean Comedy: Character, Context, and Content” on Tuesday, May 19th at 3pm in the Beckman Auditorium.

This talk will provide a broad introduction to the religious contexts of Greek and Roman comedy, as well as the comic genres’ depiction of deities and religious practices. From the Dionysia festival in Athens to Jupiter’s deus ex machina in Plautus’ Amphitryon, religion is central to ancient comedy, providing structure, atmosphere, and significance to events on and off the stage. Sponsored by Greek and Roman Studies.

History of Cycling in Illinois Focus of Lunch and Learn

Bicycling was the most popular sport in America from 1890 until 1930, and cycling had a direct impact on social progress in race, class and gender.

Illinois Wesleyan University Information Literacy Librarian Chris Sweet will explore this largely forgotten history, particularly Illinois’ importance as home to several bicycle manufacturers. Sweet will present “The History of Cycling in Illinois” May 14 as part of the Lunch-and-Learn series offered in partnership by McLean County Museum of History, Illinois Wesleyan and Collaborative Solutions Institute.

Sweet is currently working on a scholarly history of cycling in Illinois and will discuss some of his preliminary findings during the presentation. In a blog post, Sweet writes that cycling’s popularity as a sport around 1900 was rivaled only by baseball. “Bicycle racers were well-paid celebrities and races routinely attracted thousands of spectators. The social elite were members of cycling clubs with private clubhouses.”

Yet cycling’s popularity cut across class lines. Sweet writes that the Memorial Day weekend Pullman Road Races in Chicago in the 1880s were reported to have attracted 100,000 spectators. And in terms of equality, the bicycle gave women “a greater measure of independence and contributed to important advances” in women’s rights. In addition, “a few great early bicycle racers were African Americans who advanced racial equality through sport,” Sweet writes.

The session begins at 12:10 p.m. in the Governor Fifer Courtroom, McLean County Museum of History. Attendees are encouraged to bring a brown-bag lunch to the free event.


By Mallika Kavadi ’15

A 10-man bicycle (circa 1900). Photo courtesy of  chicagology.com

A 10-man bicycle (circa 1900). Photo courtesy of chicagology.com

Intercultural Communication Workshops

stella_smOn Friday, May 8, Stella Ting-Toomey from California State University, Fullerton will be on campus to present and lead discussions on intercultural communication. Please see below for descriptions of the two sessions and access to related reading materials.

Ting-Toomey’s visit is sponsored by the Mellon Center, International Office, and Office of the Provost. Please direct any questions to Associate Dean of Curricular and Faculty Development Lynda Duke or Director of the International Office Stacey Shimizu.

Morning General Session
Open to staff and faculty
10-11 a.m., Beckman Auditorium, The Ames Library

Understanding the Culture Shock Experience and Communication Style Patterns of International Students on Campus

This general session will introduce the key concepts related to the roller-coaster culture shock experience of international students in adjusting to the U.S. campus. Factors that shape the culture shock experience and the potential communication gaps among the international students, faculty, and staff will be highlighted. Suggestions for managing the culture shock experience of international students productively will be offered.

Afternoon Faculty Workshop Session
1-2:30 p.m., 201 State Farm Hall
(Please RSVP to melncntr@iwu.edu by Wednesday, May 6 if you plan to attend)

Facilitating the Intercultural Adjustment Process of International Students with Enhanced Communication Style Strategies and Practices

This faculty workshop will examine the underlying cultural values that shape potential communication style differences in international students in the classroom. Interactive exercises will be used to deepen awareness, empathy, knowledge, and skill sets in faculty-international student interaction. Recommended practices for serving international students with enhanced communication competencies will be provided.

Suggested reading materials (3 chapters, listed below) areavailable on Moodle:

– Bennett, J. M., & Bennett, M. J. (2004). “Developing Intercultural Sensitivity: An Integrative Approach to Global and Domestic Diversity.” In D. Landis, J. Bennett, & M. Bennett (Eds.), Handbook of Intercultural Training (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
– Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. (2012). “What Is the Connection Between Verbal Communication and Culture?” Understanding Intercultural Communication (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
– Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. (2012). “What Are the Ways to Communicate Nonverbally Across Cultures?” Understanding Intercultural Communication (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

In addition, the Handbook of Intercultural Trainingand Understanding Intercultural Communication are both available on reserve in The Ames Library.

Class of 2015 – What You Need to Know

Congratulations on your pending graduation!

As you prepare for the big, wide world, here’s some things you should remember about what will change when you graduate.

Library Access

We are pleased to provide our IWU alumni with a variety of library services.  Alumni of IWU may request an IWU library courtesy card that allows for borrowing privileges, may request guest connection to the internet while visiting our campus, and receive professional assistance from our liaison librarians.

Due to licensing restrictions, alumni may not access our licensed electronic databases from off campus.  There are a growing number of openly accessible scholarly resources that are available to researchers, and library staff will be glad to assist our alumni in their discovery and use.

Interlibrary loan privileges are only available to current IWU students, faculty, and staff. This service can be provided by your local public library.

Information Technology

Upon graduation, you get to keep your NetID and password. This means you can still use your @iwu.edu email account, and you can still log into computers on campus. That same NetID and password will not, however, work for the IllinoisWesleyan wireless network. You’ll need to request the guest wifi code from Help@Ames.