Don’t believe it? There are lots of gross-out videos on YouTube to illustrate…here’s just one (it’s actually kinda beautiful, too!)
The quote was spotted by one of our librarians in a local school and it seems like a helpful thing to remember since we’re all cooped up inside together. Then there’s the added joy that thoughts of the present flu season bring!
Not sure what to do? We made a resource guide with a collection of advice and links on the topic to think about, but our take away message to all staff and visitors at The Ames Library is to consider your own health as well as the well-being of those around you by remembering these tips:
1. Sneeze into your elbow (kleenex can’t stand the pressure!)
2. Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently (there’s also a supply of alcohol wipes at the 1st floor information desk in the library if you want to wipe down a keyboard)
3. Go to IWU’s Arnold Health Service if you have a fever or need medical advice.
A visual representation of this message was designed by one of our talented Ames Library Student Assistants. Click on the image below to get a halfsheet-sized poster you can put in your room or office for others to see!