Student Bloggers…

One more day, and we’re “off” to Hawaii for 3-weeks! I can imagine students making those last minute packing decisions… “just how many bathing suits will I need for class on the beach…?”

This year we have three students who expressed interest in contributing to the Blog! Three Nursing Majors, Elizabeth Mudiandambo, Lily Summers, and Emily Kleffman (pictured below left to right with Kumu Kerr & Kumu Hopkins in-between) will be adding student perspective with posts as we travel… This photo was taken on April 21, 2022 (Reading Day before Final Exams) after the last, mandatory, pre-travel meeting held on-campus.

About Kumu Noël

I teach Foundations I: Physical Assessment (Labs) to Sophomores, and Medical-Surgical Theory & Clinical to Junior Nursing Majors at Wesleyan University. During the May Term, I teach Transcultural Healthcare in Hawaii (Travel course) or Abuse in America (On-campus course) to students of all Majors. I love to travel, see the world, and develop relationship with people of all cultures...
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