I can’t believe that in less than three weeks, this trip will be over. I’ve been having a wonderful time and I’ve learned so much during my internship. Last week we held a goodbye party at work for some people who were leaving, and I really got to see and understand just how much this work environment values its people. People at work really care for each other and it’s very apparent in moments like those. Those leaving gave speeches, and they received goodbye presents from the office. It was beautiful to see, and everyone overall had a very happy time together. I can definitely see myself working in a similar environment once I graduate, and I’m grateful I got to be a part of those moments.
On another note, we celebrated Nathalie’s birthday last weekend! We got a tiny cake-ish item from the convenience store and a few candles, it was sweet :))
I also went to Zushi for the first time yesterday and it’s this small beach town by the water that has a very different environment than Tokyo. It sort of reminds me of what it’s like near the beach in Egypt too, everyone is a little less busy and the whole town is incredibly quiet. I was hoping to see Mt. Fuji since people said the beach is a great place to see it but I guess it was too cloudy that day. I did see some incredible shells on the beach, and had some great finger good with fish flakes by the water. It was different than all my experiences in Tokyo so far, but still very memorable :))
I’m going to Fuji-Q highland tomorrow with work! I’ll be writing an article about their new rollercoaster, and we’ll be spending the whole day there with the Press Event team. I’m very excited.
And..the big news of the week is that I’m going to Okinawa next week! Everyone in the office was so casual when someone from the sales team asked me if I’d be interested in going and I freaked out and immediately said yes! I guess it’s common for people to go on similar business trips, which is another reason why I mentioned last week I’d love to experience working full-time for a travel agency and being able to write more intimate articles about specific experiences. This trip is happening in collaboration with a hotel that is trying to build connections with the company, so the office needs someone from the creative team to go and write an article and potentially gather some social media content. I guess even just away from travel agencies, I think I am overall interested in working with other companies and working in media-specific journalism in general. I’m not sure if that follows the category of PR or advertising..or both? But either way, I’ve definitely opened a lot more options by being here and working with Japan Travel.
I’ll update you about the Okinawa trip, three days next week in Nago. Thanks for reading and staying patient :)) Please enjoy some photos I took over the course of this trip!