Karen Brown, MD & Roman Natoli, MD were married on March 28, 2015 in the Chicago suburbs. Congratulations to the happy couple!
Category Archives: News
Lindsay Sicks ’06 and Scott Tuttle got married
Melinda (Sprague) Brandt welcomes Tiny Titan
Melinda (Sprague) Brandt and her husband, Justin, welcomed their third child, Molly Kathleen, into the world on March 27, 2015. She is a tiny little bundle of joy weighing in at 6 pounds, 7 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. Big brother Macklin and big sister Macy are very excited about their new roles!
Kristine (Lehan) Gorsage ’06 and Zachary Gorsage ’05 Welcome Tiny Titan
All In for Wesleyan Becomes a Tradition in 2015
On April 9, Titans of all generations pulled together and showed their pride on the third annual All In For Wesleyan. More than 1,800 gifts of all sizes from 49 states and 17 countries totaled over $500,000 in support of Illinois Wesleyan University and our students. Our collective philanthropy served as an inspiration to the next generation as All In For Wesleyan firmly established itself as an Illinois Wesleyan tradition, both on campus and off. The class of 2006 had 70 donors on April 9th and donations totaling $6,423.56.
Thank you 2006 Alumni for being “all in” all the time, and for continuing to make Illinois Wesleyan one of your giving priorities. If you have already made your gift this year, thank you! If you have not made your gift this year, I hope that you will join me as a donor and put us one more gift closer to our participation goal. You can make your gift by visiting iwu.edu/give. It is your support that keeps Illinois Wesleyan strong, and develops the next generation of leaders.
Your partner in support,
Van Miller ‘04
Director of Annual Giving
Doug Rowland ’06 – Pastor of Outreach Ministries
Molly McLay ’06 – Outstanding New Staff Award
Congratulations to Molly McLay who is the 2015 recipient of the Outstanding New Staff Award from the Division of Student Affairs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! She is the Assistant Director of the Women’s Resource Center and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
To read more about the great things Molly is doing at U of I, check out the newest IWU Magazine article.
Martha Price ’06 – Living the Mission Award
On April 8, Martha Price received a Living the Mission award from the University of St. Thomas Law School.
Living the Mission Award
The University of St. Thomas School of Law, as a Catholic law school, is dedicated to integrating faith and reason in the search for truth through a focus on morality and social justice. One student from each class and a graduate(s) are selected to receive the “Living the Mission Award.” The award is given to the student/graduate who best exemplifies the mission by his or her activities in and/or outside the classroom. The student recipients of this honor also receive cash awards.
From the Presentation Speech:
“Martha is nothing short of a force of nature. Whether as a student attorney helping indigent clients, a volunteer with Tubman Alliance (a domestic abuse services agency), an intake clerk for Central Minnesota Legal Services where she instructs juvenile inmates on their legal rights, participating in a ProSe clinic, or being active in her church where she teaches Sunday school classes, mentors confirmation students, transports elderly members to church and sings in the church choir, Martha excels in all that she does. Here at the law school she served as president and treasurer of Out!Law and has sung with the St. Thomas More Chapel choir for three years.
Martha exemplifies the integration of faith, excellence in the study of law, a commitment to truth and ethics and service to those in need, and it is an honor to recognize her with the 3L Living the Mission Award.”
Congratulations, Martha!
Today is All in for Wesleyan 2015! All gifts made today will be matched by an anonymous donor (up to $75,000).
And this year, there’s a twist. Let me explain.
Gifts to the Wesleyan Fund support student financial assistance and also the little, but essential, things that create the Illinois Wesleyan experience. So today we’re celebrating these little essentials — the unsung heroes. Make a gift today and your name could appear next to one of these items for a limited time.*
Give today and your name could be selected to grace the hot spot, the WESN microphone, and other pieces of campus that will be announced throughout the day. (Learn more)
Give today and your gift will be matched by an anonymous donor.
Give today and show that you’re proud to be a Titan!
Joe Howard ’06 and April (Naylor) Howard ’05 Welcome Tiny Titan
Joe Howard ’06 and April (Naylor) Howard ’05 had a baby boy, Cooper Joseph, born 7/30/14.
Congratulations, Joe and April! A big welcome to Tiny Titan, Cooper!