Harper ’94 Awarded MU Teaching Excellence Fellowship

Congratulations to Rachel Harper ’94 who was recently awarded a William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence at the University of Missouri (MU). Harper serves as the Director of the MU Writing Center, Coordinator of the Honors Humanities Sequence, and a faculty member in the MU Honors College.

Kemper Fellowships are awarded to five outstanding teachers at the University of Missouri each year. Nancy West, director of the MU Honors College, shared, “Through (Harper’s) work, students and faculty have learned about the values of different cultures, about what goes into making works of art, about how history is made. She has helped preserve the great accomplishments of the past — and thus has helped those around her understand the world they live in and given them tools to imagine the future.”

Harper earned bachelor’s degrees in English and Spanish from Illinois Wesleyan University, and she holds master’s and doctoral degrees in American literature from the University of Missouri. A full press release is available through MU’s News Bureau.

“All In for Wesleyan” Becomes Tradition in 2015

A message from Van Miller ’04, IWU Director of Annual Giving:

“On April 9, Titans of all generations pulled together and showed their pride on the third aI'm-All-In-For-Wesleyan-icon 2014 (2)nnual All In For Wesleyan. More than 1,800 gifts of all sizes from 49 states and 17 countries totaled over $500,000 in support of Illinois Wesleyan University and our students. Our collective philanthropy served as an inspiration to the next generation as All In For Wesleyan firmly established itself as an Illinois Wesleyan tradition, both on campus and off. The class of 1994 had 14 donors on April 9th and donations totaling $4,535.00.

“Thank you 1994 Alumni for being “all in” all the time, and for continuing to make Illinois Wesleyan one of your giving priorities. If you have already made your gift this year, thank you! If you have not made your gift this year, I hope that you will join me as a donor and put us one more gift closer to our participation goal. You can make your gift by visiting iwu.edu/give. It is your support that keeps Illinois Wesleyan strong, and develops the next generation of leaders.”

272 Gifts Needed to Meet Challenge 2!

Already by midday, we’ve fulfilled the $75,000 match, putting our total contributions in excess of $157,000! One challenge down!

More than 478 gifts have already been made and we have our first PARTICIPATION challenge of the day. If we can reach 750 gifts, Ed Phelps ’62 will make a $20,000 gift!

Let’s meet this next challenge! Make your gift now and help us reach 750 gifts!


Your gift today could get you naming rights!

Today is All in for Wesleyan 2015!  I'm-All-In-For-Wesleyan-icon 2014 (2)

All gifts made today will be matched by an anonymous donor (up to $75,000). And this year, there’s a twist!

Gifts to the Wesleyan Fund support student financial assistance and also the little, but essential, things that create the Illinois Wesleyan experience.  So today we’re celebrating these little essentials — the unsung heroes.  Make a gift today and your name could appear next to one of these items for a limited time.*

Give today and your name could be selected to grace the hot spot, the WESN microphone, and other pieces of campus that will be announced throughout the day. Learn more!

Give today and your gift will be matched by an anonymous donor.

Give today and show that you’re proud to be a Titan!

Fusco ’94 Wins Top Investigative Journalism Award

From iwu.edu, Feb. 17, 2015:

BLOOMINGTON, Ill.— An Illinois Wesleyan University graduate and two of his colleagues at the Chicago Sun-Times have been awarded one of the nation’s top awards for investigative journalism.03-06-07-kim-fusco.jpg

The George Polk Award for Local Reporting will go to Chris Fusco ’94 and fellow reporters Tim Novak and Carol Marin for their investigation of a 10-year-old homicide case involving a nephew of former Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley. The resulting series “The Killing of David Koschman” led to the reopening of the case, the court appointment of a special prosecutor and a guilty plea by the former mayor’s nephew.

Check out the full article from IWU!

Asaro ’94 appointed Visiting Fellow at Princeton

Peter Asaro, PhD, has been appointed Visiting Fellow at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy. Asaro is currently on sabbatical from his faculty position in the School of Media Studies at The New School in New York City.  He was also an Affiliate Scholar at Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society.

Asaro is Co-Founder and Vice Chair of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, and spokesperson for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, an international coalition of NGOs. His research focuses on the ethical, legal and policy implications of robotic systems. He is currently working on a book that examines agency and autonomy, liability and punishment, and privacy and surveillance as it applies to the design and use of consumer robots, industrial automation, smart buildings, autonomous vehicles, UAV drones, and military robots.

Thank You From IWU

From the Alumni Relations Office:
February 16th is Thank A Giver Day — a day when the Illinois Wesleyan campus community celebrates the generosity of our supporters. We celebrate Thank A Giver Day on February 16th because at this point we’re 70% of the way through the school year. Since tuition covers 70%thank a giver logo of the total cost of an IWU education, it’s a fitting time to draw attention to the fact that outside support from alumni and friends of the University plays a key role in delivering the kind of educational experience we expect from our alma mater.
Last year, over 8,000 people made gifts to Illinois Wesleyan University and, regardless of the size, each and every one played a role in keeping Illinois Wesleyan strong. If you would like to take a moment to make your annual gift, we invite you to do so at iwu.edu/give.

Candidate sought for Alumni Awards

A message from IWU’s Office of Alumni Relations:

The IWU Alumni Association Nominating Committee needs your help compiling a list of alumni candidates for the Alumni Award categories below.

The Distinguished Alumnus/na Award
This award is presented annually to an alumnus/na who has made a distinguished contribution to society, has achieved professional distinction, or has demonstrated civic leadership.

The Robert M. Montgomery Outstanding Young Alumnus/na Award
Named for a 1968 alumnus and former IWU Alumni Director, this award recognizes young alumni for outstanding professional achievement, civic leadership, or both. Nominees for this award should have graduated less than 15 years ago.

The Loyalty Award
This award recognizes alumni who have benefited Illinois Wesleyan either through service to the University, strong financial support, or both.

Nominations are due by March 5, 2015 and can be made by contacting the Alumni Relations Office at 1-888-498-2586. Awards winners are announced at Homecoming. Any forms submitted after this date will be considered for Homecoming of the following year.

Powell named IWU Alumni Relations Director

Adriane PowellIWU is pleased to announce Adriane Powell has been selected as Director of Alumni Relations. Adriane has been an “adopted Titan” since 2010, and has lived in the Bloomington-Normal community for over 30 years. Adriane says, “I love meeting IWU alumni wherever they live, work, and play!” Adriane has experience working with a diverse group of IWU alumni and is looking forward to continuing to connect with Titans all over the world