Mary (Heaton) Carrick Stars in Opera

Mary (Heaton) Carrick ’93 starred as “Elle” in Opera Omaha’s production of the Francis Poulenc operatic monologue, The Human Voice (La Voix Humaine), presented during National Opera Week, held October 24 – November 2, 2015.  The one-act tour de force was taken to a rustic cabin, a club, and a classroom during Opera Omaha’s week-long series of events with performances held in collaboration with Fontenelle Forest; House of Loom, an eclectic venue on Omaha’s club scene; and the University of Nebraska Omaha School of Music. Discussion with renowned director James de Blasis, music director J. Gawf and Carrick followed the performances, which drew broad and diverse audiences ranging from opera aficionados and novices to college students and young professionals.



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