Art Leach ’42

WWII Fighter Pilot, Art Leach ’42 spoke at the  Bloomington Public Library, Thursday, May 16, 2019. He fought in the Pacific Theater flying off the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown. He is a recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross and is ninety-nine years old.

Leach shared how he was one of the two of his group of five hundred to be accepted into pilot training. He was the only one of his pilot training group to be sent to the U. S. Navy, fulfilling his dream of flying off of an aircraft carrier.  He started out training in bi-planes and moved on to flying Brewster Buffalos, Grumman Wildcats, Grumman Hellcats, Grumman Bearcats, Vought Corsairs and early jets.

Leach attends to WWII memorial celebrations across the country, participates in Skype interviews with classrooms of students around the world and has recorded an oral history for future generations to hear a first hand account of his experiences.  Last year he flew fellow pilot’s self-built plane over the local area.

Art Leach ’42

All In Results

You did it, Titans! You were the key to our success. On April 11, 2,205 donors collectively raised $518,316. And thanks to the generosity of our pacesetter challenge donors, our grand total is $776,316 (and still counting!)

This video captures a few successes from #AllInforWesleyan.  Check out the social media activity and revisit to see how your gifts made a difference.

Dennis Stark ’59

Dennis Stark ’59 will receive an Honorary Doctorate degree (in Business) from Alderson Broaddus University (AB) in Philippi, West Virginia at their commencement on Saturday, May 4, 2019.  Dennis was Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer of the university from 2015-2018. Congratulations, Dennis!

All In–Happy Hour Events

You’ll have a great time while encouraging others to make an additional gift on All In and share stories about how IWU Unlocked Opportunities for each of us. Visit our webpage for more information and registration

Check out the All In Happy Hours taking place around the country. Show your Titan pride by spreading the word about All In for Wesleyan to your personal networks via social media, calls, texts, emails, etc.

All In for Wesleyan

On April 11, alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff, and friends of IWU show your pride and support by being All In for Wesleyan. During this 24-hour giving day, let’s unlock opportunities together – you are key to our success!

Be All In, All Day, make an additional gift at and spread the word on social media using#AllInforWesleyan. Check out our social media toolkit!