2 thoughts on “Penny Bailey ’50

  1. Mary Frances (Temple '50) McElfresh

    Lovely to hear about Penny Bailey — I understand that Bill Bailey (’50) passed about two years ago. Penny was my freshman roommate at Kemp Hall and Kappa Delta sister. She now lives in Des Plaines, Illinois, near family. Thank you.

  2. Wilberta Naden Pickett, '50

    I remember you, Penney Oborn Bailey. You also are a good friend of Rhoda Evans Taylor with whom I have connected here in the Pittsburgh, PA area. Her father, Dr. Harlow Evans taught at IWU and then for many hears at ISNU. Her parents and the Oborn families were good friends in Bloomington, and her parents and my parents were long time friends since their college days at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. When the practice rooms at Presser Hall were filled to overflowing in those days when all the GI’s had just returned from WWII, I often practiced piano in their home. Rhoda’s aunt was Dorothy Spalding who taught piano at IWU and lived with Rhoda’s parents.Penney, I remember you as a very happy person. I am sorry that you have lost your beloved Bill. I know you must have many wonderful memories of your life together.


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