What to do about Spam?

Some sources estimate that 90% of all e-mail in North America and Europe is actually spam, also known as unsolicited junk e-mail. That means that only 10% of the e-mail messages sent are legitimate! How are we supposed to cope with the overwhelming volume of potentially dangerous trash?

We’ve put a system in place at Illinois Wesleyan called Red Condor. It isn’t perfect, but it keeps some of the junk out of your inbox. Sometimes junk slips through, and sometimes good stuff gets caught. Things can get confusing when that happens. To help clear things up, Lisa and I have come up with a few bits of advice for working with spam and Red Condor at IWU:

  • DON’T spend a lot of time managing your Red Condor quarantine list. Nothing special happens when this junk mailbox is empty. Just scan your spam digest for good e-mails that have gotten caught, then forget about the rest. If you waste your day sorting junk, the spammers have already won.
  • DO use a free throwaway e-mail account when you sign up for sites and services on the web. Google and Yahoo offer e-mail accounts with lots of storage that can soak up unwanted commercial e-mail while your main account remains focused on real correspondence.
  • DON’T automatically trust e-mail even if it appears to come from a familiar address. We have seen reports of junk e-mail that seems to be from one’s own account! Most of these cases are “spoofed” e-mail, in which its origins have been fraudulently masked or replaced with something you are likely to trust. Don’t send sensitive personal information via e-mail.
  • DO manage your Red Condor spam filter by using “friends” and “enemies” lists. The “friends” list will permanently allow mail from a sender a free pass through the spam blocker. The “enemies” list will automatically reject mail from a sender. Keeping these lists up to date is like training Red Condor to work more efficiently. This will allow you to be more efficient, spending less time picking good e-mail out of the Red Condor junk mailbox.
  • DON’T add your own e-mail or “iwu.edu” to the Red Condor “friends” list. This allows any spoofed e-mail fraudulently claiming an IWU address a free pass through the spam filter right into your inbox!
  • DO use the junk filters in your own e-mail program as a second line of defense. Thunderbird, Outlook, Eudora, and Apple Mail all have their own systems to detect spam e-mail. Turning this feature on can catch junk mail that Red Condor has missed.

As always, you can contact the IT Help Desk at (309) 556-3900 or by sending e-mail to helpdesk@iwu.edu. We are happy to help you overcome this frustrating problem!

2 thoughts on “What to do about Spam?

  1. Rick

    Thanks to Pat R who e-mailed the following:

    Quick and rough forgive the verb-age:

    Another name for spam is UBE (unsolicited bulk email), it may be worth

    noting this as there are some good UBE resources available via google.

    If you don’t want the hassle of a real email account

    http://www.mailinator.com/ will let you receive messages with no fuss.

    Accounts at mailinator are not password protected, but they are designed

    to be disposable. Unlike google/yahoo/hotmail where there is a much

    more feature rich interface/environment. Making a throwaway account on

    these legit services can help contribute to the spam problem (they

    usually have easy names and passwords and get hijacked). It also is

    rather impolite.

    as you state adding iwu.edu is pointless, the reason for this is that I

    have already taken care of our own mail servers. As the resident

    authority on spam and IWU, my whitelists are always better and safer

    than the average persons. It is my job.

    If messages get through that shouldn’t forward them with full headers to

    spam-abuse@iwu.edu and the folks at RC will work on it.

    Spam complaints without full headers will be ignored by your email




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