Windows Complete PC Backup? Boo, Hiss.

Well, the experiment is complete. Notice that I did not state “The backup is complete”. The Windows Vista backup app choked on an I/O error after 12 successful DVDs were burned. There was no option to recover and reburn starting with #13 – all I could do was restart the process.

I do not recommend anyone use the Windows Complete PC Backup utility. Perhaps it would function better if set to create a disk image on a remote hard drive.

I suspect that some of my problems arise from the fact that this system was upgraded from XP to Vista. I’m now manually backing up my folders and e-mail in preparation for a clean Vista install. I’m also moving out of Outlook and splitting my calendar and e-mail functions between Meeting Maker and Thunderbird. This move is almost entirely so that I can access the web-based MM calendar from off campus. There is no such option for Outlook with no Exchange server on campus.

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