technology we are thinking about

I’d like to share with you a few things that we are checking out in the Office of IT. These aren’t things we are committed to at this stage but if you have an opinion I’d like to hear it!

  • Moodle, an open-source alternative to Blackboard or WebCT. Moodle provides a set of course tools that include wikis, online quizzes, and grade books.
  • RSS Feed readers like Bloglines, Google Reader, and Mozilla Thunderbird. Check out the great video explaining the meaning of RSS.
  • web meeting capability, using WebEx or Adobe Connect
  • Confluence, a wiki-based tool for managing shared online workspaces.

One thought on “technology we are thinking about

  1. jorrego


    I am very interested how the Moodle check out develops. I have worked with WebCT in the past and I think a Course Management System like Moodle would be a great addition to our campus. I would use it in my classes right away.
    I use Google Reader, and I am thinking on asking my students to use it too. I am not using blogs this semester but I am planning on doing it so RSS Feed readers become very important so our students know what it’s going on in our class.
    Please let us know how this projects developed and if there is anything I could do to help, just let me know.



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