Schedule & Program

Here is a link to a downloadable version of the symposium schedule.

The meetings will take place June 20-23, 2016 in the Center for Natural Sciences

Monday, June 20

Registration (open from 8:30) – CNS. C113

Opening Remarks (9:15-9:30) – CNS. C101

Main Lecture (1 hour) Chair: Richard Brualdi

9:30-10:30: George Andrews, 4-Shadows in q-series, the Kimberling index, and garden of eden partitions

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

Contributed Talks (25 minutes each) Chair: Gi-Sang Cheon

11:00-11:25: Lou Shapiro, From trees to generating functions and back using a little group theory

11:30-11:55: Sung-Tae Jin, An application of Riordan arrays to the transient analysis of queueing models

12:00-12:25: Arnauld Mesinga Mwafise, Riordan arrays and the solutions of some nonlinear partial differential equations

12:30-12:55: Xi Chen, Log-concavity and row polynomial matrices of Riordan arrays

1:00- 2:25 Lunch

Afternoon Session Chair: Donatella Merlini

Main Lecture (50 minutes)

2:30-3:30: Paul Barry, Elliptic curves, integer sequences and Riordan arrays

3:30-4:00 Coffee Break

Contributed Talks (25 minutes each)

4:00-4:25: Manuel Alonso Morón, Manifolds of Riordan involutions and time-reversal linear dynamical systems in euclidean spaces

4:30-4:55: Hana Kim, Symmetry of the zeros of Sheffer polynomials

5:00-5:25: Xuntuan Song, Unimodality problems in combinatorial triangular arrays

5:30-5:55: Ji-Hwan Jung, The q-Laguerre polynomials of the q-Sheffer type and their combinatorial interpretation

Tuesday, June 21

Main Lecture (1 hour) Chair: Doron Zeilberger

9:30-10:30: Richard Brualdi, Permutation matrices, alternating sign matrices, and the Bruhat order

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

Contributed Talks (25 minutes each) Chair: Ana Luzón

11:00-11:25: Donatella Merlini, C-finite sequences and Riordan arrays

11:30-11:55: Dev Phulara, Constructing pseudo-involutions in the Riordan group

12:00-12:25: Minho Song, A new aspect of the Riordan group via Krylov matrices

12:30-12:55: Xiao-Xiong Gan, General composition of formal power series and Riordan arrays

1:00- 2:25 Lunch

Afternoon Session Chair: Paul Barry

Main Lecture (50 minutes)

2:30-3:30: Gi-Sang Cheon, A group extension problem of the Riordan group and its applications

3:30-4:00 Coffee Break

Contributed Talks (25 minutes each)

4:00-4:25: José Ramírez, A combinatorial interpretation of the r-Whitney-Eulerian numbers

4:30-4:55: Sooyeong Kim, Algebraic structure of multivariate Riordan matrices

5:00-5:25: Jinze Zheng, Duals of Bernoulli numbers and polynomials and Euler numbers and polynomials

Banquet: Memorial Center, Davidson Room

6:00-7:00: Socializing

7:00-8:00: Dinner

8:00-9:30: Drinks, Dancing, and Socializing


Wednesday, June 22

Excursion to Chicago

7:15 am: Meet for departure from Illinois Wesleyan at The Gates

10:00 am: Arrival in Chicago

7:00 pm: Meet for departure from Chicago at the Field Museum

10:00 pm: Arrival at Illinois Wesleyan


Thursday, June 23

Main Lecture (1 hour) Chair: George Andrews

9:30-10:30: Doron Zeilberger, Percy Alexander MacMahon and John Riordan: Two combinatorial giants

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

Main Lecture (50 minutes) Chair: Gi-Sang Cheon

11:00-12:00: Ana Luzón, Struggling with Riordan involutions formula

12:00- 1:25 Lunch

Afternoon Session Chair: Lou Shapiro

Student Talks (20 minutes each)

1:30-2:30: Student Speakers

2:30-4:30: Open Discussion Time