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2016-06-20 3rd International Symposium on Riordan Arrays and Related Topics. Illinois Wesleyan photo by Robert Frank III
Welcome to the RART 2016 website. This year, the symposium will be held on the campus of Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, Illinois, USA. Bloomington is located approximately 2 hours (by car) south of Chicago. We have planned an excursion to Chicago for the entire day on Wednesday, June 22. There will also be an official symposium banquet on the evening of Tuesday, June 21.
Early registration: Friday, April 29
Abstract submission: Friday, May 27
For this symposium, similar to the first two symposia, particular areas of interest include (but are not limited to) the algebraic structure of Riordan arrays, Riordan arrays and combinatorial sums, Sheffer matrices, Umbral Calculus, lattice paths, combinatorics of posets, lattices and words, and many other aspects of combinatorics and their relationships with other areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, biology, and other fields.
We are very excited to see everyone in Illinois. Please visit the pages of this site for additional details on every aspect of the conference.
Thank you from the local organizing committee,
Tian-Xiao He
Zahia Drici
Dan Roberts
Previous Symposia
The first symposium on “Riordan Arrays and Related Topics” was held on August 6-9, 2014 in Seoul, South Korea as one of eight invited minisymposiums in the 19th International Linear Algebra Society Conference. Here is the website for the first symposium.
The second symposium was held on July 14-16, 2015, in Lecco (on lake Como), Italy. It was organized in honor of Lou Shapiro and Renzo Sprugnoli to recognize all of their important contributions to the topic. Here is the website for the second symposium.