Before Dr. Vandana Shiva’s Stevenson Address, Watch This Film!

On Monday, April 15th, author and activist Dr. Vandana Shiva will present a talk “The Future of Food” as part of the Adlai E. Stevenson Memorial Lecture Series. We wanted to make you aware that the 2016 Collective Eye film SEED: The Untold Story, which features Shiva, is available for through our streaming video service Kanopy.

Says Kanopy:

Few things on Earth are as miraculous and vital as seeds, worshiped and treasured since the dawn of humankind. SEED: The Untold Story follows passionate seed keepers protecting our 12,000 year-old food legacy. In the last century, 94% of our seed varieties have disappeared. As biotech chemical companies control the majority of our seeds, farmers, scientists, lawyers, and indigenous seed keepers fight a David and Goliath battle to defend the future of our food. In a harrowing and heartening story, these heroes rekindle a lost connection to our most treasured resource and revive a culture connected to seeds.

Check it out here and be sure not to miss Dr. Shiva’s talk next Monday!

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