Technology Tues – Sun Server

On Tuesday, December 23, ITS moved the services offered on from a very old server to a new one. With this transition, the services will operate more efficiently, the operating system will be more secure, and ITS will be able to take better advantage of backup, virtualization, and other systems we’ve put in place for our other servers in recent years.

After the transition, people using SFTP or SSH to save files or access may be warned of SSH fingerprint errors. This is expected. ITS recommends that you replace the old fingerprint with the new one to avoid seeing that warning every time you connect in the future.

Our goal is to minimize the number of negatively impacted users, but with a transition of this magnitude, there may be some unforeseen consequences.

If you notice anything wrong after the transition, file a support ticket through the new Help@Ames ticketing system.


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