Our front doors are open! Welcome in!
Over the summer, construction crews have been working hard to redo the plaza and library steps. Many thanks to our colleagues in Physical Plant for their work on this project, and for installing a ramp and lighting outside our west entrance!

The library, and our front doors, will be open Monday-Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm until August 19th, after which our hours shift as campus ramps up for the fall semester. More information about library hours is available on our website.
We’re also excited to welcome a few new faces in Ames Library. Joining the library faculty are Laura Spradlin and Crystal Boyce-Gudat. Laura, IWU class of 2010, joins us from Milner Library at ISU, and is our Electronic Resources & Systems Librarian. Crystal returns as a Visiting Librarian, having previously served in Ames as the Sciences Librarian, before moving to Hawai’i with her family.

Both Crystal and Laura look forward to working with students and faculty – get in touch today!
Also joining the campus and taking up residence in Ames is Billie Jarvis-Freeman, Interim Director of the Writing Center. The Writing Center is located on the east side of the our first floor, just beyond the Library Services Desk and is a part of the multitude of student support services offered by campus.
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