Monthly Archives: August 2014

Student Art in the Library

"Octopot" by Kate Robertson

“Octopot” by Kate Robertson

Introducing the 19th Annual Ames Library Senior Art Purchase Award


Ceramics by Kate Robertson ’14

Since 1996, the Illinois Wesleyan University’s library has purchased a piece of artwork selected from among works exhibited annually by Senior, Bachelor of Fine Arts students in the School of Art. The Student Art Purchase Award is presented during the opening reception of B.F.A. show held each April. The winning work is displayed on the entry level of Ames Library for one academic year, after which it is relocated to the Ames Library second floor where the entire collection of student artwork is permanently displayed.

For additional information, contact Robert Delvin, fine arts librarian for The Ames Library, at (309) 556-3003.

Scholarly Walls & Bridges: Paywalls and Open Access

Over 20 courses are being offered in the 2014-2015 academic year related to the course cluster theme of Walls & Bridges. Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this theme seeks to question the purpose of walls and bridges: are they built for protection to keep the “bad” out or as an exercise of power to keep the “good” in?

From the course cluster themopen access logoe description:

“The world continues to be mark
ed by the construction and demolition of both walls and bridges, physical, economic, ideological, and political. Walls and bridges serve to both separate and unite; however, the reasons for building walls and bridges is complex – informed by history, power, and ideas.”
Libraries deal with these sort of complex issues daily as they relate to scholarship. Many libraries pay millions of dollars each year in order for you to access scholarly resources. There are normal costs associated with publishing scholarship, but what happens when the costs of journals rises so far that even elite research-intensive universities cannot afford to keep up.

Are publishers building walls around scholarship by charging so much for access?

If publishers are building walls, are there “bridges” into scholarship? The Open Access movement has gained momentum in challenging the publishing industry to account for increasing profit margins. There are, however, many misconceptions about open access
, perpetuated by the publishing industry.

Want to learn more? Check out our display on the first floor of the Ames Library or ask a librarian about how licenses, paywalls, embargoes, and open access affect your experience at IWU.

Welcome, Titans!

Don't Panic - Ames is here to help.

Don’t Panic – Ames is here to help.

Ames Library is excited to see all the new faces on campus this week. It was a very quiet summer and we’re glad you’re joining the IWU family.

As you prepare for academic advising and registration, here are a few things you might need to know.

Titan Orientation Leaders (TOLs) will be in Ames 129 from 8:00am until 5:00pm on Thursday, to help out with the registration process. You just need your campus ID and password to log into the computers. Do not hesitate to ask these TOLs if you have any questions.

You can also at the staff at the Help@Ames desk (309-556-1551 or walk-up) if you have technical problems.

DO NOT PANIC, someone will be able to help.

There are also drop-ins available at the Help@Ames Desk from 3-5pm on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week as part of Turning Titan My Way. Learn more about it in the First Year Orientation Handbook and the Transfer Handbook.

Turning Titan Week – Ames Library Hours

  • Wednesday – Friday, August 20th – 22nd: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, August 23rd: Noon – 5:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, August 24th: 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Come Work for Us!

Help@Ames, located on the entry level near the Information Commons, provides both research assistance and technology support during library hours.  You can learn about starting points for library research, install your wireless client, or reserve a project room at the Help@Ames Desk.

Help@Ames, located on the entry level near the Information Commons, provides both research assistance and technology support.

Have you started thinking about student employment at IWU? If not, you should come work for Ames Library!

Students work in all the Ames Library departments, helping us stay open late and provide the IWU community with the best services possible.

Ames Library student assistants gain valuable life skills working across the library, including time and project management, organization, leadership, and information seeking skills.

Interested? Learn more about the kinds of jobs available at Ames Library. Or apply now!

Ames Welcomes International Students!


An impressive number of international students will be joining IWU this fall. Ames Library is excited to welcome them to campus, and librarians and staff cannot wait to meet everyone.

On Friday, 8/15, Ames will host the international students from approximately 9:30am until 3pm. Students will rotate through various orientation groups, going to the bank, learning about the library, setting up email and IT accounts, and getting campus tours.
