Every story that appears on The John Updike Society website/blog is also posted on the Society’s Facebook page, but don’t forget to “Like” JUS on Facebook. Otherwise you’ll miss out on the John Updike quote memes posted there from time to time that are not added to this website. Why? Because Facebook is a lighter, more visually oriented medium.
The top three favorites thus far? “My characters are very fond of both safety and freedom . . . and yet the two things don’t go together, quite, so they’re in a state of tension all the time.” That meme circulated to 31,520 people.
Coming in second was “Looking foolish does the spirit good. The need to not look foolish is one of youth’s many burdens.” That one went out to 1,305 people.
Third place went to the Updike “summer selves” meme: “We love easily in summer, perhaps, because we love our summer selves.” That one was seen by 802 people.