Travel Day!
The airplane ride was 8 1/2 hours long and it truthfully was not that bad. While on the plane some fellow classmates and I had watched the free movies that were available by United and the ones that were available were actually good ones. Of course there were a few cat naps along the way.
When we landed we had taken a bus to our hotel and had passed many pretty views on the way. When we got to our hotel in Honolulu we had gotten food at this food truck called Pit Stop. This truck had tacos, sliders, chips and salsa, hot dogs, horchata, lemonade, and more. The slider I had gotten was very good and the tacos that the others got were also very good. This food truck was definitely a 8/10 in my book. After this food stop, we had gone to the beach to enjoy the beautiful weather! Laying out on the beach to relax was much needed after a long travel day. As we were leaving the beach we had stopped at Banan Waikiki and I had gotten the Royal Hawaiian which was a 10/10 in my book (Pictured below).