The Polynesian Cultural Center is a living museum on the North shore of Oahu. We’re lucky to be spending the day and evening at PCC! Students are able to experience arts, crafts, dancing and song from eight cultures: Aotearoa, Fiji, Hawaii, Rapa Nui, Samoa, Tahiti, and Tongo. We’re ending the evening with a luau and a show called Ha, Breath of Life. Additionally, this evening, PCC happens to be hosting the World Fireknife Championships!
Look for more photos throughout the day!

Kumu Funk poses with a statute of Hamana Kalili, who is credited as the inspiration for the Shaka sign. Hamana lost his three middle fingers in an accident at the sugar mill where he worked. As children imitated him, this gesture eventually morphed into the signature, cultural gesture it is today. Shaka can indicate a friendly greeting or good-bye, show solidarity, or the often-referenced directive to “hang loose”.