Today, the students began individual observations of complementary and alternative health practices. Laurin Ebert, Katie Hunsley & Rachel Laboda learned about yoga from practitioner, Summer Rothwell. Summer did an excellent job of sharing not only the history of yoga, but also contemporary applications with autistic children and frail older adults.
Caitlyn Convery, Melissa Holzer, and Lucas Wheat learned about Reiki practice from Bernadette Park. Bernadette has been practicing Reiki for many decades, including volunteer work with Hospice Hawaii. She has been with the course for many years.
We were grateful for these two women sharing their skills and knowledge with our students.
This evening, Laurin, Katie & Rachel presented our first student-led discussion on the meaning and connotations of the term, Haole (people living in Hawaii, but not of Hawaiian descent). We met at Fort Derussy Beach Park.