And 18 students from Illinois Wesleyan University, majoring in a variety of subjects (Nursing, Pre-Med, Psychology, Elementary Education, & Business), who are taking H310/N390: Transcultural Healthcare in Hawaii during the 2019 May Term, leave with the faculty, Dr. Noel Kerr, and Dr. Amy Funk for three weeks in Hawaii.
Foci of study/learning will be the five major cultures of people who live in the islands; Native Hawaiian, Haole, Japanese, Chinese and Filipino… How each of these cultures views the concepts of health and disease, cultural practices for birth, dying and death, and complementary/alternative healthcare modalities, and how they can be integrated with allopathic (Western) medicine…
Check back often to see what we learn and discover as we spend time on the islands of Oahu, Maui and Hawaii (the Big Island) throughout the month of May!