Things are starting to move at a faster pace the more I settle into our routines, which is why I couldn’t find the time to write my blog last week, so I will post two this week! From now on the blogs may be longer, but ahh now where to start…
Well, last week (week of June 18th) I was mostly remote for my internship as my supervisor’s child was a bit ill, so the only time I was in the office was Thursday of that week, which I didn’t mind because whenever I’m remote I go to the ISEP office in the Sumitomo building in Kaihimmakuhari. I was telling my host family this, and the host father ended up recommending good places to eat during lunchtime. Of the places that was recommended… not one of them disappointed! *v* I had ramen with such a good-tasting broth– really everything was so good that I will definitely go back. There was another place near the Kaihimmakuhari station that served Tendon Tenya, which was also really good. My goal is to avoid foods that I can eat in the States, so so far, so good.
All are good, tasty foods, but what I look forward to the most is eating dinner at home with the host mother (and sometimes the father and/or daughter). We talk about how our days go and share random stories, which I feel like is one of the best parts of the internship itself and of the homestay experience. Oftentimes, the family and I will chill in the living room area before bedtime and talk about our lives, hobbies, or really anything. One of the previous days, they ended up meeting my mother through Facetime haha.
I have many small stories and experiences to share already within the first two weeks of being in Japan. It is a truly fun, engaging, and growing experience since I get to enjoy Japan while also advancing in my professional career.
On the weekends, I typically go to other cities and sightseeing, and on weekdays I work on the tasks given by my supervisor. A few cities and things I’ve been to are the Sensoji temple in Asakusa, the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Ikebukuro, and more recently, Akihabara, Harajuku, and Shibuya. During the weekdays, however, I am working on finding examples of prosperous locations where photovoltaics exists and biodiversity thrives. I have written a lot of notes already, presented, and joined a webinar about offshore wind in Japan. I am busy busy, but I am glad to be learning a lot about sustainable energy. I will post some pictures and show y’all some of the places I mentioned!