A Usual Week in the Philippines

This past week in the Philippines I relaxed from all my activities the previous weeks. On Monday nobody was around so I just napped and got some food after work. I had dnd Monday as away which was my favorite session yet. I had read up on my characters attacks a lot and it paid off because we got into a big fight where I was able to protect my team and kill the enemies without taking a lot of damage. At work I started my next media article along with my infographic which takes up my time. I also have been spending time at work catching up on my blogs and schoolwork. Tuesday Abi, Lukas and Kennady got back into town and I met them after work at a restaurant and then we went and sung karaoke! We had Wednesday off for a holiday so I was able to sleep in! We then went and did our laundry and I got a burger from the place we went last time we did laundry. Tito Mon came up to Manila to help me out with the getting locked out of the apartment situation and gave me a key which is great and fixes everything! I road a trike in the pouring rain and lightning and it was pretty wet but fun 🙂 . I hung out at the clubhousing looking on my phone for awhile and then met back up with Kennady, Abi and Lukas and we watched a movie and hung out. They had to leave in the morning again so it was an early night and I got to talk to my friends from highschool on the phone which was really fun! Faith and Sam invited me back to their place that weekend for Sam’s birthday so I got a grab down to Santo Tomas which took forever in the traffic. We went to a chicken place and they had the most elaborate birthday celebration for Sam! We then went home and talked for a while and got starbucks in the morning! The Starbucks is really good here I don’t know why, but Kennady graciously bought me some earlier in the week and I got Faith’s order when we all went Saturday. We were originally going to go to the beach but we couldn’t so we decided to see what the Irri also from Wesleyan people were up to. We got a Grab over there and went to dinner at a Korean place that had a really yummy latte. We then went to a dance place after and had a great time! The owner showed me and Sam a place we could stay overnight and it was nice and cheap. I took a nice hot shower and watched a movie on Netflix! On Sunday we went back to the mall and got breakfast. We then went back home and planned our trips to Palawan and Japan and ordered lunch before I went home. I was snoozing on the ride home and went right to bed when I got there. I ate some leftovers and went to bed early in preparation for my work day Monday. A basic good week!

– Hunter

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