In a Word

Hello everyone again and welcome to my tenth and final post of my Freeman Asia Internship Blog. This has been an adventure for certain, and I can say that it has not all been perfect. I had some rough spots, especially towards the beginning, but I also had some incredible experiences and made some memories that are going to stick with me for a long, long time.

It’s hard to really outline everything I am feeling. Believe me, I wrote 4000 words in my personal diary trying to figure out exactly how I was feeling, and I think that at the end, the one word I would choose to describe this trip is:


It was adventurous, it was sleepy, it was exciting, it was boring, it was challenging, but it was not easy. I overcame a lot of personal obstacles. I see a lot more I could overcome.

Let me explain. I’m not really the adventurous sort. I go out to eat maybe once every other month. I spend most of my time with my siblings or with friends I cycle online. I do not usually go out and ‘do things.’ This whole trip shook that up and turned it upside down.

I made friends. I went out. I talked to people. I could have gone out more, but I did not. I could have been more adventurous, and perhaps by average standards I did not really do all that much. But by my standards, the amount I did do was incredible. I have travelled before yes, but never with my own itinerary. I tend to like being dragged places more than planning myself. That’s something I need to work on.

But I learned a lot about myself. I learned a lot about other culture as well, though I admit that is a lot harder to define, simply because I do not think about it as much. I just adapt and live with it. In the end, people are people no matter where they are.

And yeah. I think I am satisfied with this trip. I have learned a lot and I have a lot more to learn. I will be going to the plane to go home really soon. I am looking forward to taking these experiences with me for the rest of my life: and letting them inform my future just as the past formed this present.

IRRI at night.

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